The first Burden
public school building was a small frame structure
located one and one-half miles northeast of Burden. This
building was later moved to the present school location.
Fifty years ago the first part of the old stone building
was constructed. This building consisted of four rooms
and was added to as the size of the school increased.
The present building was remodeled in 1925 and is made
up-to-date in every respect.
The first school
terms were taught by one teacher with a large enrollment
of about sixty. Today the grades and high school
combined have a faculty of ten teachers and an
enrollment of 220.
Lowell A. Small has
been superintendant of schools for the past two years.
The other members of the high school faculty are: E. L.
Andrick, Mrs. Cecilie Peck, Frankie Bouge, and Carol G.
Shelley. Earl Dyer has been principal of the grades for
the past thirteen years and holds the record for having
been employed in one district longer than any other
teacher in the county. Lola Cashman, Jemima Eaton, and
Frances Snyder are also employed in the school. Mrs.
George Brooks has also been employed as music supervisor
for the past eight years.