There is no record of the
organization of Excelsior School but it is known that in
1880 there was an enrollment of twenty-five pupils.
Salina Bliss was teacher at that time. In about three
years the enrollment had increased to sixty-five. The
enrollment is now nine which is the smallest enrollment
in the history of the school.
The first school house burned in
the summer of 1922 and the present building was then
Excelsior has taken a prominent
part in the Cowley County Fair. Several pennants and
three loving cups have been won.
The present school board members
are: Miss Edith Sherrard, Thornton Dillman, and T. F.
Maitland. The school was made
standard January 17, 1927. Miss Floral Holroyd was Rural
Scholl Supervisor at that time.
Excelsior has had a Citizenship
Club for the past three years, and Picture Study for the
past two years. Anna-Belle
Douthitt has been employed as teacher for the past two