Floral 20


Floral is a two-room school located about ten miles northeast of Winfield. They received their Standard Plate in 1927. Carrie Carlisle was the county superintendent and Flora E. Holroyd the State Rural School Supervisor.

This year the school has taken up the Week-Day Bible School Work. Two qualified women in the community Mrs. John Dicken and Mrs. Ruth Rodgers, have spent an hour each week in the school. The work has been very successful.

The total enrollment is 32. The teachers are Edna Watt, Grades 5-8, and Leota Sallee, Grades 1-4. The members of the school board are: Jake Fife, John Land, and Chas. Elliott.

April 1933


Floral School,  1st to 8th grade,  Dist. 20


Floral Basket Ball Team,  1925

Raymond Dicken,  Garland Johnson,  Dean Dicken,  Dude Moore,  Dike Hart,  Hugh McGee


Floral School Play  1936 - 37       

Catherine Dysart

Stanly Jenkins
Jerald Fife Mildred Watson
Margaret Dysart Keth McFall
Ray Watson Bill McFall
Catherine Lewis Marie Bangs
Kenneth Kirk Billy Bangs
Francis Horton Richard Bangs
Leon Johnson Lawrence Capron
Robert Dye Elsie Good
Jim Bangs Betty Good
Betty Lewis Claudine Brister
Betty Brister  

Floral Quartet

John            Leroy           Jake           W. O.      

Dicken        Sturm            Fite           Bender   

Tenor       2nd Tenor    Baretone      Bass