Pictures came from Jeff
Bedell, his Father is S. C. Bedell and |
was raised around
Cambridge, and his parents was |
William E. Bedell and
Susanna Bedell (maiden name Clark) |
William ran a store in
Cambridge along with W. Frank Moore. |
Store in
Cambridge by W. E. Bedell behind left counter and W. F. Moore
behind right counter. |
George Adkins Barber Shop. Second building South on
South West corner of main square. |
Front Barber
is Mr. Agee |
(Dixie) George Lionel
Adkins |
Mrs. Sweet, Ivy Ryan, Christina Smith holding Jr.,
Mrs. Daughtery, Joanna (Mrs. Frank) Moore, |
Lizzie Fox,
Mrs. E. C. Kielhorn, Mrs. Hoyton, Mrs. Tom Sheets,
Mrs. Bedell and Alfred. |
Front :
Flossie Holland, Mrs. Ankrom, Mrs. Simpson, Thelma
Farris, |
Nora Farris,
Mrs. Dick Moore, Pernie Farris. |
taken in front of Mrs. Sheets house, across the street South of Sam Davis
Garage. |
Dexter School |
Dexter School |