On July 20, 1881, the qualified voters of School
District 131 met at the home of John Merrill and decided
to build a school house. The district was formally
organized on August 11, 1881 and on August 22, 1881, the
voters decided that the size of the building should be
30 feet long, 22 feet wide and 10 feet high. The school
house was completed so that school began March 27, 1882,
with Sarah E. Pickering as the first teacher.
Today, as one
travels north of Arkansas City about four miles, he can
see from almost any by-road, a building of rather
stately architecture standing as a beacon on one of the
North Hills. This building was built in 1918. In 1924
the school became a Standard School.
In 1925 the school
enrollment became so large that the board employed
another teacher for the four lower grades and the
library room was enlarged the next year to take care of
the primary grades. In the spring of 1930 Martha
Washington became a Superior School.
In the last six years Martha Washington has won a few
honors for which she is exceedingly proud. The school
won first place in the Cowley County Fair school
exhibits in 1929 and 1932, and second place in 1931.
They won first place in school demonstration at the Fair
in 1930. The school won second place in the Track Meet
of 1931 and second place in the School Parade in 1930.
Martha Washington
was the pioneer in the organization of Junior
Citizenship Clubs. For this reason the county
superintendent chose this school to represent Cowley
County at the State Teachers Meeting at Parsons in a
demonstration of club work.
The school's
outside activities have not been detrimental to her rank
in scholarship. During the last six years many of her
graduates have been honor graduates. In 1932 and 1933
Martha Washington won first place in scholarship contest
and first place in the county examinations for both the
seventh and eighth grades last year.
For the past six
years Blanche Cull umber and Clara Bell have been
employed as teachers. The present enrollment is 30. The
members of the school board are: A. H. Broderson, John
T. Johnson, C. B. Brewer.