Welcome to East Central Cowley County Historical Society

In the fall of 2001 I purchased the old Burden City building and started restoring it. At this writing, we are just about finished with phase one. We are not finished but close enough for our purpose, and our purpose is to preserve as much of the past of East Central Cowley County History as possible in digital form and present it to those interested in two forms: a web page for Internet viewing and a large high resolution screen for viewing in our new home (the old city building).

We want to copy, restore and save all the old pictures of early people, places and things. Also we are building an interactive data base which will hold among other things birth and death records, Family Trees and early school records where all children from 5 to 21 were listed as students whether they went to school or not. These records stop in the late 1940's when they discontinued this counting method. Mixed in are some personal stories of how the old days were remembered. I want to document anything else you feel is worth saving in digital form. The success of this project is up to you. I have the means to preserve our history, but depend on you to get it to me. Time, wind and fire destroy many irreplaceable pictures and documents. By letting me copy your pictures or other memorabilia, you are preserving the history of this area for future generations.

Make an appointment to have them saved while you wait or we can come to your home. Any documents or pictures mailed in will be returned to you in original form (postage paid same as sent) after being saved.

Emory Lewis
123 Easy Street
Burden, Ks. 67019

Any corrections or additions Please

Last Updated 06/17/2024 09:58:08 PM

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