Listed as early day teachers at the school were Nellie B. Porter
Julia Manfort, M. S. Ticer. H. W. Holloway, Sallie Levering,
Sarah Davis, R. A. O'Neil, Nellie Aldrich, W. M. Cole, Mary
Berky, John Stevenson, Maude Tinsley, E. M. Anderson, T. J.
Baker, Maggie Ferguson, Dora Pulaska, D. J. Brothers, Etta
Corley. They taught terms ranging from 25 days in one instance
to 5-month term. School during early years of the school began
in November but in 1882 began in September. A 7-months term was
1st reported taught by T. J. Baker in 1899. Four 8-months terms
were taught from 1894-1896 and salaries ranged. from $30 up to
$75 in 1919, going to $100 in 1921, $135 in 1930, but, dropping
back to $74 to $90 during the depression years of 1934 to 1943.
Since 1923 the terms have been 8 months and the last 2 terms
were 9 months. |
30 to 35 Students |
The enrollment was
usually 30. 35 students and often after graduation or completion
of the 9 grades, students returned to school for another year or
so and it was these older students who caused disciplinary
problems in the early day schools, and for this reason strong,
husky men teachers were preferred in some schools to women
teachers. |
Teachers at the school since 1900 were
Ben Dungan, May Cairns, Sara Glacklin, George Broyles; Mrs.
Georgia Conant, Bess Grider, Flora Thome, VivianShivers, Anna
Kearns, Edith Gammon, Ella Christenson, Mabel Belden, Mrs.
Orville King, Emeline Hoornbeek, Edna Barnett, Lois Winfrey, H.
D. "Jones, Mrs. Nadine Anglemyer, Golda Ingraham, Mrs. Inez
Gifford, Kathryn Sandborn, Opal Smith, Nellie Cullumber, Nellie
Dozer, Mary Frye, Opal Burnett, Madeline Bradford, Patricia
Milburn, Thelma Harris and Mildred Wesbrook. |
Among 3 and 4 generation families in the district are those of
Brothers, Scott and Walker. |
following students heard the bell ring for the last time this
month at Frog Hollow, district 77: Susan Scott, Dianne Cummings,
Allan Lambert, 7th graders; Nancy Barnes, 6th grade; Monte
Cummings, Georgine Eilts, Danny Lambert, Martha Sparks, Laban
Moon, 5th grade; Barry Miller, 4th grade; Barbara Miller. 3rd
grade; Linda Miller, Wesley Eilts, 2nd grade; and Michael Moon
and Gerry Lambert, 1st grade. |
Plan HomecomIng |
Such is the feeling in Pleasant View district, better known as
Frog Hollow, 4 miles east of Winfield. So to commemorate the
occasion a community homecoming Is being planned for Sunday,
June 3, at. the school. |
basket dinner will be served at noon and will feature old time
dishes. There will be an exhibit of school relics and a program
is being arranged and pictures will be taken |
The 1st school was not held In the modern school structure now
serving the Frog Hollow district, but was held about 1/2 west in
a building built on the hill on the north side of' the road
across from the present Dumler home, in what is now the Liermann
pasture. |
Organized in 1872 |
Pleasant View Dist. No. 77 was organized Aug. 3, 1872 and
included 7 3/4 sections of land, records show, 7 of which were
taxable. On March 3, 1873, a special meeting was held at the
home of D. S. Brown. district treasurer and $1,000 was voted for
a school building and on March 27 the district was named
Pleasant View. |
The plastering contract was let to C. J. Phenix for 13 1/2 cents
a square yard and the painting to T. J. Jones for $20. |
Others on the 1st school
board were C. H. Phenix, chairman, E. C. Egbert, clerk. Other
board members in the early days were Niles C. Bailey, 1877, D.
J. Brothers, 1884, father of Arthur and Vernon Brothers, who
still live in the community, Coleman Estes, 1886, father of John
Estes, Ed Walker in 1899 and Jasper Files, in 1906. |
Salary of $16 Monthly |
Beginning with 1873 records show that Nellie Porter taught a
3-month school term for a consideration of $16 per month ranging
through more than 50 teachers to a salary peak of $425 per
month. |
Assessed valuation of personal property in the district in 1876
was $420 and on real property, $13,268. Alphonso Ray was
district clerk that year. |
Other interesting record entries were the following: Jim Scott
fixed seats in 1888 for cost of 75 cents; Coleman Estes hauled 2
loads of coal in 1889 for $2. |
nearly as can be told from records the school was moved to the
present site to the east and on the south side of the highway in
1878. It was following the presentation of a play, "Frog Hollow"
at the school in the '80's that the school was dubbed Frog
Hollow and the name stuck. Too the school's location may have
something to do with it, since it sits on the edge of a creek or
gully that carries water close to the building and over the
roadway. |
Pleasant View, Dist. 77 located four
miles east of Winfield on highway 160 was made standard in
1929. Nine of the
seventeen pupils enrolled have had perfect attendance for
the year. H. D. Jones us the teacher. The members of the
school board are: A. B. Brothers, Irl Johnson, and Lewis F.
Wright. |
Frog Hollow Schools |
Clarence Barnett, Bill Baker |
1945, Dist. #77, Pleasant View School, known as
Ruth Brothers, Bill Bunyan, Eugene Angle, George
Fildes, |
Velma (Hamm) Shoup, Wayne Alberding, Claire
(Johnson) Graham. |
1945, Dist. #77, Pleasant View School, Known as
Warren Walker, Maxine (Hamm) Mikesell, Helen
(Bunyan) Cook, |
Karen Stubbs, Frank Barnett, LaDonna McCardwell,
Marcia Cramblett, |
Sarah Johnson. |
Nellie Cullumber Teacher
1945 |
Barbara (Barnett) Payne |
Clarence Barrnett, Bill
Barker, Edith Barker, Clara Barrnett, Bill Seley. |
December 1, 1962, Dist. #77, known as FROG HOLLOW
had a sale. |
To sell the school property. Picture above are
some of the |
former pupils attending the sale. |
Warren Scott, Kenneth Brothers, Clarence Barnett,
Phillip Hamm, |
Delbert Barker, Ivan J. Scott, Arthur Brothers,
and John Estes. |
Frog Hollow reunion a success
Fifty-three former
students, teachers and friends of District 77 Frog Hollow
School, located three miles east of Winfield, gathered at the
Tisdale United Methodist Church Saturday morning to spend the
day reminiscing about the good oId school days.
Pleasant View District 77 was
organized Aug. 3, 1872. and later acquired the name Frog Hollow.
The school closed in 1962 when it consolidated with District 3,
Country View Elementary School.
Mildred Wesbrook, who taught two
years in 1960-61 and 1961-62, recalled the day a motorist
stopped to ask if she was in trouble. Wesbrook told her no.
"I wondered because your flag was upside down," the lady said.
Wesbrook said she sent the student back out who raised the flag
to reverse it. She said each student was given the duty of
raising the flag before having the flag salute, and no one
noticed it was upside down.
George Moon recalled the time when
throwing the ball over the school building was popular. One day
he was holding a bat in his hand and decided to give it a sling
over the building, and it hit the teacher's car.
"Boy! Was I in trouble their George said.
George's brother. Roger Moon of Winfield. remembers when
Students got to skate on the parqu floor by wearing heavy socks
to shine the waxed floor prior to school programs.
Teachers who attended the reunion
were Mildred Westbrook, Kathryn Miller and music teacher Martha
Baker and Hazel Felker.
Earl Brooks of Nampa. Idaho came the
greatest distance to attend the reunion. Others were from
Excelsior Springs, Mo., and Republic, Mo.. and Rock, Partridge.
Moline, Chanute, Manhattan, Kechi, Arkansas City, Burden and
Winfield. Harriet Richardson of Winfield acted as emcee for
comments from those present.
Another reunion this fall will be
held Sept. 14.
Tisdale's Cast Your Bread gro was
in charge of the salad luncheon served at noon. |
By NITA WILSON Winfield (Kan.)
Daily Courier, Thurs., May 2, 1996 |