Prairie Ridge 82

Eunice (Haney) Ott, teacher Sept. 1926
Mildred (Wilson) Westbrook, Teacher 1930-31
Lois Clark 5th grade teacher
Luciel Ringsbury Riding  Teacher 7th 8th Grade
Elmo Cochran, Maurice Cochran, Marion Cochran, Richard Rambo, Arthur Yadon,  Teacher
Montra Roberts, Ruth Roberts, Fannie Clarh, Aileen Kingsbury, Letha Yadon, Jean Roberts, Ellen Cochran
Nell pilled the buggy to school:  Jean Roberts, Montra Roberts, Ruth Roberts

              Ruth Roberts, Clarence Rambo, Letha Yadon, Elmo Cochran, Marion

Cochran, Reedy Haworth, Marjorie Moyer, Arthur Yadon, Montra Roberts,                  

David Haworth, bottom center.
Marion Cochran holding pony Nell,
Montra Roberts, Ruth Roberts, Arthur Yadon, David Haworth, Reedy Haworth.
Train to Ark City
Gerald- Teacher- Montra
Donny Glendahere- Charlene- Delores.
Glenda Chase, Delores Ott, Gerald Johnson.
Jordan Roberts, Bill Ott, Virgil Rhodes, Martha Booher, Mary Clark, Doyle Underwood,
Maurice Hamm, Bob Ott, Virginia Miller, Helen Booher, Theda Robertson,
Frank Clark, Pat Clark, Donna Johnson.
Billy Ott helped carry coal