History of







Printed by

the Anundsen publishing co.
Copyright 1979
by Stanley Clifford Smith
All rights reserved, including the right
reproduce portions of this book for publication.
Library of Congress Catalog. Card Number 79-65125
Published By - Stanley Clifford Smith P.O. Box 1
Garden City, Kansas 67846

Dedicated to the memory of my father
(1902 - 1974)

In my search for family information, I was discussing our family involvement in the Upper Timber Creek School with my father one night in 1972, when he pointed out that one of our relatives had been involved in founding the school district. When I inquired how he knew this, he produced the first Clerk's Record Book and. showed me that George Alanzo Harris, my Grandmother Smith's half brother, had loaned $25 to finish the school building. When the school district was disbanded in 1955, Dad had ended up with a box of old school records. As I read through these records I counted over forty of my relatives who had been part of the school and community. It wasn't just my family, but many other families, too. The historical and genealogical value of these records impressed me.


Student records in the box started in 1910, but there were some records in the form of Clerk's or Treasurer's Books for every year the school existed. In my search to find who the students were prior to 1910, it was not long before I discovered that this box of records were the only records available. The 1943 flood in Winfield had destroyed all the County Superintendent's records which had been stored in the courthouse basement. Dad told me that both my Grandfather and Grandmother Smith had attended this school, which was fine for me; but I began to wonder how other people would ever find where their ancestors had attended school. So many people had moved in on rented land for a few months or years, let their children attend school, and had to moved on, leaving little or no trace except in the school records. I turned to the census to determine the early students. I had some problems identifying which family lived in which school district. Then, back in the old Cowley County Court house records, we discovered the township tax assessment enumeration rolls that identified the families who were living in the school district most of the missing years. Now the pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together.

I am grateful for the many people who helped during the gathering of information for this book, and for their continual interest and encouragement. First, my father, Clayton Smith, for preserving the old records and for telling where different families lived and where and when they moved in and out of the community. He would smile and crack, Didn't you know that? after he revealed a piece of information that particularly delighted me. I certainly wish to thank Orville and Alberta Whiteman for the loan and identification of pictures, church records, and other information they shared. Alfred and Shirley Smith were a delight in visiting about the old school, and they also shared pictures of their time. I cannot forget the people in the Cowley County Courthouse as they extended courtesy and trust as we searched for records in the storage vault. Certainly this book would not have been complete without the reunion information loaned by Clara Cline.

Rita Hineman Townsend extended encouragement in the final stages, spent hours typing the final book, correcting my mistakes and proofreading the final copy. This friend cannot be thanked enough. Last but not least, this book would not have been finished had it not been for the encouragement and efforts of my wife, Pat. J . She spent hours writing, proofreading, working layout and indexing. She insisted the book be completed. This is not intended to be a scholarly account, which I will leave to the professional historians. I have tried to use the exact spelling found in the original records, to make as accurate a copy as possible when reading the old handwriting, which is difficult. Although there are many variations in spelling of a single name or word, I feel this preserves much of the color and personality of the personal writing the original record. Since this area has been ignored in the past, it is likely it will be a long time before it draws any other attention. It was our feeling this should be printed for posterity.

Stanley Clifford Smith, 1979


Map iii
Dedication iv
About This Book v
1 History 1879-1942 1
2 History 1942-1955 15
3 Teachers' Memories 27
4 Reunions 1966-1978 31
5 Family Histories 41
6 School Records 1879-1955 53
7 Census and Tax Enumerations1880-19O0 83
8 Abstract of Records of Timber Creek Friends Church 241
Bibliography 268
Index 269



The forming of the Upper Timber Creek School, District #103, came nine years after Cowley County was organized. Cowley County had been erected out of the Osage Diminished Reserve in 1867 by the State Legislature from lands belonging to the Osage Indians for hunting and camping. During 1868, cattle speculators came down among the Osage Indians to buy cattle which the Osages were stealing from the Indians further south, and would sell in large numbers at low prices. The cattle speculators gained a knowledge of the county, its streams, prairies, hills and rich bottom grounds, and their reports attracted attention and stimulated a number of persons to trespass on these lands in 1869 and make settlements. Although the Osages drove the settlers out by stealing and burning, the settlers were soon back.

By the end of 1869, a census showed there were upward of 600 inhabitants in the bounds of Cowley County and petition by more than 20 bona fide inhabitants was presented to Governor James M. Harvey for organization of the county

Until July 15, 1870, when the Osage Indian lands were opened for settlement and bona fide claims could be entered, the settlers had been on Indian land and had to pay head money to the Osage chief, Chetopa. The law allowing settlement had first to be ratified by the Osage chiefs, then the land was surveyed by the government and sold to actual settlers in quantities not exceeding 160 acres to each, when they should have occupied and made substantial improvements thereon for six months. Passage of the law brought a large number of settlers to Cowley County.

The largest numbers were attracted first to the rich bottom land of the Walnut Valley. As in many new counties, there was competition between towns to be named the county seat site. Winfield, Arkansas City and Tisdale settlers all vied for the prize but Winfield was elected to be the county seat in August 1871.

Settlement of Cowley County was steady and by early 1874 the population was about 10,000. The newer settlers were becoming discouraged by the scanty rains of 1874 and the meager crops which were about to reward their hard labor, when in August 1874 a swarm of grasshoppers came from the northwest in such countless numbers as to form a cloud which obscured the sun. The grasshoppers dropped down on the scanty fields which the drought had left and ate what remained of the crops. When these newer settlers saw all destroyed, they abandoned their claims by hundreds and left not only the county, but the state.

It was two years later, in 1876, before the county population again reached 10,000. For the next three years the county gained rapidly in population and by 1879 the population had more than doubled. Settlement had spread up and down the Grouse Creek, Walnut River, Timber Creek and the Arkansas River bottoms.

Harvey Township was formed from Winsor Township in 1874. The Kansas laws provided that "each organized township in the county shall be an original school district, until the same shall be divided into separate districts by the County Superintendent." The 1880 census showed 570 people living within its bounds, and boasted six school districts by 1883.

The earliest school in Harvey Township was Glen Grouse, District #17 in the northeast corner, followed by Box School, District #94 which early served the south central part of the township. Then came District #l01 serving the southeast; Upper Timber Creek School, District #l03 serving north central; Mt. Vernon School, District ffl13 serving south central; and Grand Center School, District #l34 serving the west central township patrons. The Upper Timber Creek School was destined to outlive all the other school districts in Harvey Township.


A meeting of the residents of northern Harvey Township was held in August 1887 to form a school district to serve the patrons in that part of the township. Prior to this meeting, children attended a subscription school, available to those who could afford to pay the fee. The County Superintendent assigned the school District #l03 and how the school was named Upper Timber Creek remains a mystery, but no doubt that schoolhouse being on the banks of upper Timber Creek had a lot to do with it.

During this first meeting, three citizens were elected to serve as school officers and to see that the school was set up and started as the patrons wished. The founders of this school system were: G. Primrose, director; C. Backus, clerk; and G. W. Tharp, treasurer. All of these men listed their address as Lazette, Kansas They were to serve a one year term and another election would be held in 1880.

The school system in Kansas was started in 1855 when the Territorial Legislature provided for the formation of school townships. Two years later the Legislature created the board of county commissioners to head up local school districts. Provision of elections to name Territorial and County Superintendents of schools was made in 1858. The Wyandotte Constitution, under which Kansas became a state, provided that "the legislature shall encourage the promotion of intellectual, moral, scientific and agricultural improvements, by establishing a uniform system of common schools of a higher grade, embracing normal, preparatory, collegiate and university departments." Other sections set forth raising and apportionment of school funds. When Kansas was admitted to the union in 1861, the Act stated that sections 16 and 36 of each township were to be set aside for schools along with seventy-two sections of land to support a state university.

A disastrous drought in 1880 caused an exodus of more than 2,000 Cowley Count inhabitants. But enough of the inhabitants of the Upper Timber Creek community prevailed against the hardships that on Thursday, August 12, 1880, at 2 p.m. an annual meeting for District #l03 was held at the schoolhouse. Elections were held to determine the school officers and G. Primrose was elected director for a three year term. Chas. Backus was elected clerk on a two-year term and L. D. Tomlin was elected treasurer for a one-year term. It is noted that the patrons approved the school would be taught in this district for a five-month term although state law required only three months of school with six weeks of school in consecutive wee1 School would start on the first Monday of October of 1880 and a male teacher would be employed to teach the school. The tax levy was set on all taxable property it the district to run the school, at 1% to pay the teachers' wages and 1% to finish the schoolhouse.

In preparation to form the school, the original board of Primrose, Tharp and Backus met on April 23, 1880 and approved the text books that would be used in the school system. These were listed as: McGuffey's Readers, Ray's Arithmetic, Harvey's Grammar, Spenserian Writing, McGuffey's Spellers, Monteith's Geography, Barnes History, Guyet wall maps, Monroe charts and Webster's UN Dictionary.

Some of the funds to build the schoolhouse were obtained by loan from some of the patrons of the district. G. W. Tharp loaned the school district $6.00 but no record of repayment was found. G. A. Harris loaned $25 to finish the schoolhouse and was repaid March 1, 1881. J. Parker paid $2.70 tuition fee as well as L. Peebler, who paid a total of $3.10. This would indicate that these two gentlemen lived outside the school district boundaries and sent their children to this school the first term.

The district did not require much to run the school, just teacher's salary. They bought a stove for $5.00 and purchased $14.40 worth of wood to keep the building warm during classes. H. F. Albert was hired to teach the school for $30 per month for a total of $150. They did not have enough money to pay the teacher for his services out of the first year funds, so Mr. Albert received $52.50 the first year and the balance was paid the following school term.

The location of the first schoolhouse was west of the present location. Alfred Smith stated that the old schoolhouse was located in the same section near the creek.

According to the 1880 census there were 57 children between the ages of four and nineteen years. How many attended school can not be determined as many of the older children stayed home and worked. Several would attend just during the coldest months when farm work did not require them to stay home. It is also noted that the 57 children of this age group came from 19 families.

The cash outlay increased from $108.90 in 1880-81 to $337.45 in 1881-82. The teacher's wages were increased by $5.00 per month and E. W. Woolsey was hired to teach the school. School never started until November 20 in 1881 for some unknown reason. The patrons of the district approved a starting date of October 1 at the annual meeting held on August 11. School was held three months this term, all that was required by law.

On April 10, 1881 the school board met to approve a shipment of school desks. It is not known how many desks were purchased but is known that the purchase was paid for on August 5, 1882 in the amount of $87.10. This included some interest on the contract.

The mill levy was set at the annual meeting of 1881 at 25 mills of which 10 mills was set aside for teacher's wages. The Kansas Legislature passed a law in 1881 requiring four months of school. A change in the board was brought about by the election of Sam Rash to a three-year term as Treasurer. The school board was authorized to contract wood to the lowest bidder. Gary Primrose and Peter Loy sold wood to the school during this term and J. F. Wallace hauled it to the schoolhouse.


A special meeting was called on March II, 1882 to determine if the schoolhouse was to be moved. Forty people voted to move the schoolhouse and four were against moving it. Two locations were proposed to place the schoolhouse; the northeast corner of section 16 and the southeast quarter of Section 8. The vote was very close with 23 voting to move it to the southeast quarter of section 8 while 22 were against the location. A committee was selected to appraise the value of the house and it was set at $250.00.

Four patrons were paid $1.50 each for moving the house. At the same meeting it was approved to build a limestone foundation under the schoolhouse and to build a flue for the heating stove. Times in the district appeared to be good as it was also approved to buy a coal stove to heat the building and to buy coal for fuel instead of wood. A total of $9.25 worth of coal was purchased and the new stove cost the district $10.25.

Four months of school were held during the 1882-83 term and Chas. Messenger was hired to teach for $37.00 per month. Two families outside the district paid tuition, these being William Harris and S. S. Feebler.

Quite a few changes were made in 1883-84 term. E. W. Woolsey was hired to teach a six-month term at $50.00 per month with school starting on September 7. Shortly after the term opened a special election was held to build a new school- house. The old building was sold to Fuller Wallace for $116.00. The new building cost $545.10 to build and was completed by December 1. Two new board members were elected: C. Elam for a three-year term as director and J. W. Parker for a two-year term as clerk.

Andrew Stickel was elected to a three-year term as Treasurer during the 1884-85 term. A tax levy was set at 20 mills with 10 mills to go to teacher's salaries. School started on the 18th of September and was taught by R. 0. Sterns for $45.00 per month. Total expenditures for the term were $475.71.

An additional set of desks was the highlight of the 1885-86 school term, cost $109.15.

Things settled into a routine after this, and the school population stayed about the 50 to 60 mark as it was found there were 58 between the ages of five and twenty years who were not married in 1900. A man teacher was hired until 1891, when Clara Harris was hired to teach a term. The next woman to be hired to teach this school was Ida M. Cooper, and with this hiring, a trend was started to employ women for teachers. The next man to be hired was Walter G. Lee who taught two terms in 190 and 1906. In 19120. T. Fabian taught a term, and then he was rehired to teach again in 1915.

One of the major problems the board faced was a good supply of water. Several wells were drilled at the school location after it was moved to its present location. It is thought that they did not drill deep enough, as a good well was drilled in 1939 and remained in service until the school was discontinued. It is also found that water had to be hauled to the school when the district did not have enough funds to drill a new well.


The present schoolhouse was built in 1908 at a cost of about $690.00. As near as can be determined, the chimney was in the center of the building, and it was later moved to the northeast corner of the building. Very little else was done to the building until the 1950s.

Upper Tember School 1909

It was discovered in 1918 that a deed had never been obtained for the site of the schoolhouse. In the meantime Albert P. Whiteman had purchased the property which the school had been set upon. An agreement was reached, and Mr. Whiteman issued a deed to the school site for the consideration of $25.00.

The school term was increased to five months in 1894, and this was increased six months soon thereafter. Seven months of school was the rule by 1910 and contused on this basis until 1923-24 term when the first eight-month term was taught. The term was never changed after this.

The large enrollments during the early years of the school were no doubt a real trial for the teachers. Many students have mentioned the fact that they thought some teachers were real task-masters, and it can be assumed they had the student! respect. An incident recalled by Clayton Smith adds to this theory. Mr. Fabian helping Clayton with some math problems at his desk, when the student sitting in front of Clayton's desk forgot that the teacher was behind him. He started cutting up, and Mr. Fabian picked up Clayton's slate and hit the rowdy student over the head, breaking the slate. Clayton had to do without a slate the rest of the school term. He had to borrow a slate to do his assignments, as paper was a real luxury in that day.

In 1907 the State adopted a rule that each school was to fly the American fl. outside of the building. Now, this doesn't appear to be a very demanding item, 1 when the school budget was as close as Upper Timber Creek's, this became a major item. Many references were found, including a county superintendent's report on the school in 1923, recommending that the flag be displayed. The school had good intentions, but that was not always the most easy thing to do. It was 1950 before the flag was displayed outside on a regular basis. A bracket was fastened to the schoolhouse, and a flag fastened to a pole was mounted in the bracket. Many were the problems of running a one-room country school.


Before presenting the Plans and Elevations of School Buildings, I have deemed it important to make the following suggestions in regard to a few practical points


Healthfulness is an important consideration. Avoid swamps, stagnant pools, and low places. Some select low ground for the for the sake of shelter in water. The best way, however, to secure shelter is to build warm house and keep it in good repair. In this State, every schoolhouse should be so situated as to have access to the south wind during the summer season. The north side or north foot of a hil1 is undesirable. Next to healthfulness is beauty of location. Build on the most attract­ive spot if practicable. Some are tenacious to have the house exactly in the center. It is much better, however, to locate a half-mile or more from the center, provided a more choice spot can be secured. Let not selfishness and stubbornness stand in the way. Every good citizen should be willing to yield in this respect. It is far better for children to walk a little farther to a beautiful spot, than spend six hours each day where the surroundings are uninviting. The site itself should be education.


The best front is that toward the east. It is important that a schoolroom have one end unbroken either by windows or doors, for black boards and teacher's stand. The rear end is usually occupied for that purpose. But if the schoolhouse fronts the north the other end must be either cut up by windows or else the room is deprived or the benefit or the prevailing south wind during the summer season. If the building fronts south, the wind sweeps through the entry along the aisles, whenever a door opens, thus continually blowing dust about the room and into the lungs of teacher and scholars. A south front on this account is objectionable. If the house faces west, the schoolroom is exposed to the piercing west and northwest winds of winter. A common entry way will not wholly obviate this in convenience, for when the inside doors are open the outside doors will also be usually open. A west front however, is better than a south from the fact that in. summer the breezes can pass through the windows from side to side of the building. But, other things being equal, AN EAST is the best.


Every schoolhouse designed for both sexes should have two out-houses. Many a child of delicate and sensitive organism contracts ermanent physical injury, and becomes the victim of untimely death, by delaying to obey the calls of nature at the proper time. The too prevalent custom it to build one out-house with two compartments. It is far better, however, to build a separate out house for each sex, on. the rear of the lot, and at some distance apart. Not only should such buildings be erected, but care should be taken that they are kept constantly in proper condition.


The ventilation of a room consists in bringing in pure air and expelling the foul air. In summer the open door and windows are usually sufficient. In winter, for one-story buildings, the stove should be encased in zinc or galvanized iron, leaving six inches of space all around, between the surface of the stove, and the casing.


As the best summary of directions on this subject, and the most authoritative, I give below the very valuable opinion of Prof. Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. D. C. as stated in a letter addressed to N. Capen, Esq., of Boston, Mass. under date of May 4, 1870:


1.The rod should consist of round iron, of about one inch in diameter; its parts, throughout the whole length, should be in perfect metallic continuity, by being secured together by coupling ferrules.

2. To secure it from rust the rod should be coated with black paint, itself a good conductor.

3. It should terminate in a single platinum point.

4. The shorter and more direct the course of the rod to earth, the better; bending should be rounded, and not formed in acute angles.

5. It should be fastened to the building by iron eyes and may be insulated from these cylinders of glass (I don't how-ever, consider the latter of much importance).

6. The rod should be connected with earth in the most perfect manner possible, and nothing is better for this purpose than to place it in metallic contact with the gas pipes, or better, the water pipes of the city. This connection may be made by ribbon of copper or iron soldered to the end of the rod at one of its extremities, and wrapped around the pipe at the other. If a connection of this type is impracticable, the rod should continued horizontally to the nearest well, and then turned vertically downward until the end enters the water as deep as it lowest level. The horizontal part of the rod may be buried in a stratum of powdered charcoal and ashes. The rod should be placed , in preference, on the west side of the building. A rod of this kind may be put up by an ordinary blacksmith. A rod in question is in accordance with our latest knowledge of all the facts of electricity. Attempted improvements on it are worthless, and as a general thing, are proposed by those who are but slightly acquainted with the subject.


The perforated. And the lower part under the stove furnished with a zinc flue one foot in diameter, opening into a shaft communicating with the outside of the building. Then, as the stove becomes heated, the pure cold air from outside rushes in, becomes warmed. and ascends through the perforations into the room. So much for the ingress of pure air. For from the foundation up, and furnished with a register near the floor. So that the lower part of the opening in the register shall be on a level of the floor. This register furnishes an exit for the heavy, cold air and foul air to escape, which is facilitated by the draft of the chimney flue. At the time of building the floor, with inner surfaces smooth, communicating with the outside of the building, and having an opening under the stove for the zinc flue of the encasement. The outside opening of the masonry should be guarded by iron bars or grates for protection. In this way perfect ventilation may be secured at very little expense.


One Room.Scale 1/8 inch to the foot

School house No. 1 is Designed for Country Districts and Suburbs of Cities. The School Room is 20 ft. 10 in. X 27 ft. 4 in. and capable of seating forty pupils. It is provided with a vestibule and separate ward-room for boys and girls.

Instructions on constructing a school from the 1879 Clerk's Record Book,

published by George W. Crane of Topeka, Kansas. Architect--J. G. Haskell

of Lawrence, Kansas.

Cowley County, Kansas 1918 - 1919
Deed Book 121, Page 335

This indenture made 20th day September A.D. 1918 between Albert P. Whiteman, a single man of Cowley County in the State of Kansas of the first part and Nathan Young, Elmer Smith and A. W. Lamkin, Trustees of School Section number 103 Cowley County in the State of Kansas of the second part

Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part in consideration of the sum of 25 and no dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these present grant, bargin, sell and convey until said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, all the following described real estate situated in the County of Cowley and State of Kansas to wit:

Beginning at the northeast corner of East one half of Southeast quarter of Section eight, Township thirty, Range seven East of the 6th PM running west 12 rods and 12 feet; thence south fourteen rods; thence East 12 rods and 12 feet; thence north fourteen rods to place of beginning.

To have and to hold the Same, Together with all and singular the linements, hereditaments and appurtences belonging or in anywise appertaining forever. And said Albert P. Whiteman for himself his heirs, executors or administrators does hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with said parties of second part that all the delivery of these present he is lawfully seized in his own right of an absolute and indifeasible estate of inheritance, in fee simple, of and in all and singular the above granted and described premises with appurtenances; that the same and free, clear, discharged and unimdumberedof and from all former and other grants, title, charges, estates judgements, taxes, assessments and incumberance of what nature or kind soever subject to a mortgage of $2500 which the party of the 1st part agrees to pay and that he will warrant and forever defend the same unto said parties of the 2nd part, their heirs and assigns against said party of the first part, his heirs and all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same.

In Witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his name the day and year first above written.

State of Kansas, Cowley County
Albert P. Whiteman

Be it remembered, that on the 20th day of Sept., AD 1918 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Albert P. Whiteman, a single man, who is personally known to me to be the same person who executed the within instrument of writing and such person duly acknowledged execution of the same.

In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year last above written.

Term expires Mar. 1st 1920
A. G. Steinberg
Notary Public.

I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original instrument of writing which was filed for record on 22 day of March AD 1919 at 9:25 o'clock AM

Register of Deeds

Pictures go here

Chapter 2

HISTORY 1942-1955
By Stanley Clifford Smith

The sun was shining on September 7, 1942, when I entered the doorway of Upper Timber Creek School. This would be an important part of my life for the next eight years. Needless to say, I was one scared little boy, six years of age, with everything being new and strange from my sheltered life thus far. The 30 x 30-foot room of the schoolhouse appeared to be very large, and the nine students who enrolled that day didn't fill much of the void.

Anna M. Loudenback had been hired to teach the school for the term, this being her first school after laying out to raise her family. She had lost her husband, so she was returning to the skill she knew best, that of teaching school. She made her home during the week with the Rev. Val Bridenstine family, 1/2 mile south and 3/4 mile west of the schoolhouse. She returned on weekends to her home at 310 Massachusetts, Winfield, Kansas. Later in the term she boarded with the Nate Young family 1 and 1/4 miles north of the school. I welcomed this change as I was the only student living north of the school. It wasn't nearly as lonely walking home when I could wait a few minutes for Mrs. Loudenback to sweep the floor and then have company walking the first 1/2 mile home. Mrs. Loudenback walked to and from school except in bad weather. Then Mr. Young would take her to school in his car and my father or grandfather would drive her home when they picked me up after school.

Bruce Whiteman and Ray Gene Osborn were in the eighth grade; a families were more of a rule than earlier.


Harold Smith, a second cousin of mine, was in the seventh grade, making up the upper- classmen. Betty Whiteman was in the fifth grade, and Philip Whiteman and Naomi Osborn were in the fourth grade. A new family had moved into the district, and their daughter Jennie Morgan transferred to our school as a third-grader. Helen Dennett was in the first grade along with myself. This wasn't a very big enrollment for a country school, but the effects of the Great Depression were still being felt. Smaller

The daily program started at 9:00 A.M. with opening exercises, starting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed with the Lord's Prayer; then we would sing either The Star-Spangled Banner or America. We had a few song books that had songs in them we all liked to sing, and we would sing a few songs every morning. Then we had reading, starting wit h the first grade and working up to the eighth grade. This allowed the students timeenough to study in relation to the length of their assignments and the difficulty. As soon as each class recited, they would start on their spelling lesson for the day, and were completed by 10:30 in time for morning recess. After recess the rest of the morning was taken up with the arithmetic assignment for the day, starting again with the first grade and working up to the eighth grade. After lunch and playtime, school took up again at 1:00 P.M. with Mrs. Loudenback reading to the school for about 10 to 15 minutes from a book out of the school library. This usually was one chapter, so it took several days to complete the book. We would then work on writing for 15 to 20 minutes and then, starting with grade three up to grade eight, each class would work on social studies until afternoon recess at 2:30. The first grade worked ~ reading and reading workbooks during this time. After recess the whole school would work on language except the fifth and seventh grades, who had health on Monday and Wednesday; and the seventh grade also worked in Kansas History on Tuesday and Fridays. The eighth grade worked on agriculture and citizenship during this time too. If we got everything done we would get to work on art, which was mostly coloring.

Recess time was taken up with the boys keeping to themselves and the girls themselves. As there were only nine total, and five were boys and four girls, there was not much of the same interest to both groups. Of course the three 011 boys didn't want to play games that the younger children wanted to play. We could playoff of the school ground if we got the teacher's permission, and we would p along the ditch north of the school grounds in Ray Shields' pasture a lot. There was also a grove of trees located northeast of the school grounds known as the G: fin, as it was on the Griffin farm, that held much adventure. This was the place of my first snipe hunt, and I doubt if the other kids ever forgave me, for I didn't fall for the old gag. Maybe they were just not convincing enough to pull it of it should have been done.

A project that kept the three older boys busy was digging out an old cave , had been started in the northwest part of the schoolyard. They finally got it deep enough that they could cover it with old boards and dirt, and have a room about eight feet by ten feet and about 30 inches high. This made a fine clubhouse un' the Jamerson boys found it one weekend and rode their horses over it, tearing it up. It must have been too much work to rebuild it, as it never was rebuilt.

We got out of school on November 6 so Mrs. Loudenback could attend the State Teachers Association Meeting; and we also got out of school for two days at Thanksgiving. We had a special dismissal on Monday, December 21, for Ada L. Whiteman funeral, which was held in the schoolhouse. We got out for Christmas vacation December 24 to January 4th. There was no school on April 1 for some reason (this may have been another funeral as Granville Whiteman passed away in 1943); and the last day of school was on April 26.


During the spring of the school term, the local Friends Church purchased a schoolhouse from north of Latham; and it was moved to its present location just south of the schoolyard. This supplied many an hour of interest at recess time watching the workmen build the foundation, lower the building off the trucks on the foundation, and Rev. Bridenstine working on the building afterwards to bring it up to shape to be used as a church.

Lunch was carried to school in dinner buckets either made from a syrup pail bought at a hardware store. There was a variety of sandwiches to suit the individual taste, ranging from egg salad to bacon. Prepared lunch meats showed up ever once in a while, much to the envy of all. In the fall of the year when there w' plenty of fryers still running loose, a piece or two of fried chicken would find its way into a lunch box. When it got cold it wasn't unusual to find a piece of cold fried rabbit (cottontail) in a lunch. Also cold weather would allow people to butcher hogs, and ham sandwiches would become regular fare along with jams, jelly and peanut butter. Another standby was hard-boiled eggs, salted with a little done up in a small piece of wax paper. When it was really cold a few would bring a thermos of hot cocoa, and the teacher usually had hot coffee in a thermos.


One Monday morning during the school term, Mrs. Loudenback did not have her key to the schoolhouse door with her when she arrived. Being a resourceful woman, she soon noticed one of the windows on the south side of the building was not latched. She removed the ball-guards by simply twisting a couple of nails which were bent to hold the guard in place. Now Mrs. Loudenback was not a small woman, so it no doubt took some effort on her part to crawl through the window. All was going quite smoothly until her feet hit the floor! Unknown to her, the school board had decided that it was time to re-oil the floor over the weekend, and it was very slick for a day or two afterwards. When her feet hit the floor they did not stay where she planted them! Needless to say she did not sit very much during that day of school.

Right behind the schoolhouse stood a coal shed and a horse stable under one roof. There was enough room between the schoolhouse and this building to drive a truck to unload the coal. One of the school board would usually donate some corn cobs and some used shingles for kindling. Horses ridden to school by students would be stabled in the stable part during the school hours. They would bring a few ears of corn to be fed to the horses at noon hour. This was the last year anyone rode a horse to school, and the two eighth graders and the seventh grader were the only ones who rode horses this year. After this the stable became a place to play during recess time.

There were 32 desks in the schoolhouse this year, bolted to the floor. The desks all had the round hole for the old inkwells to fit in, and there were many names and initials carved into the tops and backs. There were some benches along the outside walls on the north, east, and south made out of 1 x 12 lumber and painted gray. In the southeast corner, the water cooler stood atop a homemade wash sink which drained into a 12-quart bucket. Water was pumped from a well about 100 feet north of the building into a bucket, and carried to the house and poured into the cooler. Above the sink were two shelves where we kept our drink- ing cups turned upside down. When it was really cold, we would put our dinner pails on these shelves too; otherwise we left them in the hallway where we hung our coats. There were three windows in the south and north walls, and two windows in the east wall along with double doors leading out into the front hall and on outside. The only opening in the west wall was the back door, located right in the southwest corner. This was also the corner where the bookcase, which held the school library, stood. The bookcase was a homemade cupboard having four shelves. It had one door which swung to the right when opened. The hasp was held by a wooden peg someone had whittled out of a scrap of wood. The teacher's desk stood in the center, of the room towards the front, facing the students. It had seen a lot better days, and it was replaced a few years later. The American flag hung on nails behind the teacher's desk, above the blackboards which stretched across the front of the room. There were blackboards on the north and south walls too, in between the windows. There was a picture of the school and students taken in 1909, and a framed paper with the pledge of allegiance, on the wall. The room was heated by a very large Warm Morning coal stove that stood just back and to the north of the center of the room. It was connected to the flue which stood in the northeast corner of the room by 8-inch stove pipe which was supported from the ceiling by bailing wire. This coal stove could be banked at night when the teacher left for the day, and would still have fire the next morning and would have the building warm in about 30-35 minutes. If the fire was not banked properly, or on Monday morning, the fire would have to be built anew, and the house would be very cold until recess time. I remember us sitting on folding chairs up close to the stove during our studies until the room warmed enough to return comfortably to our assigned desks. There were a few days I can remember, when it was very cold, that we did not return to our desks until after lunch. Of course we dressed very warm, with the boys all wearing long-handled underwear and the girls long heavy cotton sox. That way we could stand it just a little cooler than otherwise. Some of the coal wasn't as good as other coal 18 that we would get, and it would form gas in the stove and would make the stove belch, which would always startle us and would allow some smoke to escape into / the room.

There was a wire strung across the room just in front of the first desks, supported in the middle by a wire from the ceiling, on which curtains made of burlap were hung. These curtains were drawn across the room when plays were presented. There were two Coleman gasoline lamps which hung from the ceiling which were used for meetings and socials at night.


The big boys always delighted in turning the bell over in the belfry, and i would hang up so it could not be rung. The teacher usually watched to see that didn't happen during the day, but if we had something at the schoolhouse at nigh the bell would always be turned over the next morning. Then one of the school board would have to bring a ladder and turn the bell back down by hand. I don't remember when they did it, but they finally figured out how to tie a wire to the bell-ring so that it couldn't be turned over.

My second year in Upper Timber Creek school was much more to my liking as a new family that had a boy in my class had moved into the community. We became friends and we enjoyed each other's company for the next three years. This was James Houston, son of the new Friends Church pastor; and they had three other children. Marilyn was in the fifth grade with Philip Whiteman and Naomi Osborn; Lois Ann was in the third grade, and Larry started in the first grade along with Beve Dennett and lmagene Whiteman. Naomi Osborn had to drop out of school in November due to poor health, dropping the enrollment back to eleven until Peggy Bonnell transferred to our school on April 3. Harold Smith attended his eighth grade in Atlanta School.

We had a longer Christmas vacation this year, from December 17 until January 3. We also missed school on April 24 due to a flood in Winfield that made it impossible for Mrs. Loudenback to return in time to hold school for the day. We also went to school on Saturday November 20 to make up for the extra day of vacation Friday after Thanksgiving.


Daylight savings time had been imposed due to World War II, so we took up school at 10:00 A.M. and dismissed at 5:00 P.M. The daily program was changed just a little and was conducted in this manner the remaining two years Mrs. Loudenback taught at this school: We had reading from 10:15, after opening exercises, until morning recess at 11:30. After recess we had writing for 20 minutes, and finish the morning with arithmetic. The teacher would read aloud to the school after the noon recess; then we would have social studies until afternoon recess. After recess the first and second grades had phonics and reading, while the rest of the school had spelling and language.

I finally had a student to walk part way home with at the start of the third grade, but this didn't last too long, as Marvin Howe took a dislike to our teach and would not talk at school. The Howes had a meeting with the teacher, and it was agreed to remove Marvin and they enrolled him in the Toll School in Butler Count 2 miles north of this school.

The other new student of this school year was Lloyd Morgan, a nephew of Jennie Morgan. Lloyd was the son of Frank E. Morgan; and they lived 1/2 mile south and two miles east of the school.

Peggy Bonnell's parents had moved out of the district during the summer, sc she attended a different school this year.


This was the year that Philip Whiteman took up trapping. It was a well known fact that we had some fur bearing animals under the schoolhouse, and there were two cracks in the foundation of the house on the north side for these animals to enter. Philip set a couple of traps. Everything went quite well for several mornings as we all had to inspect the traps each morning. Then one morning, the trap at the northwest corner had caught the prize, a beautiful double striped skunk! The skunk was not in a very good mood, and the teacher sent Philip home as soon as he got to school to get his father to come up to the school and shoot the beast. The air was quite aromatic that day around the building, and needless to say Philip was informed not to set any more traps on the school grounds.

Recess and noon hours were always looked forward to, as we played many games that would continue from one play period to another. One that comes to mind right off was Speed Cop. In this game we ran around the school building with each of the four corners being stop-signs or bases. One student was selected as the cop, and if someone ran the corner without touching, the cop could catch the victim before he reached the next corner and he would be put in jail (the stable). When we started playing this game, we could run both directions at the same time. This worked fine and added a lot of surprises to the game, until one afternoon when Marilyn Houston and Helen Dennett ran head on at the southwest corner of the building. Marilyn received a very black eye, and Helen a cut lip. From then on the rules were changed by the teacher so that we could only run around the building in this game going clock-wise.

Other games we had lots of fun playing were Red Rover, Black Man, Last Couple Out, Drop the Handkerchief, Statue, Andy Over, three-legged races, and a new game we made up that we called Red Man. This game required several bases, such as the area where the grass would not grow (since some ashes from the heating stove had been dumped there), a long hedge pole, and anything else we could drag up. The person who was It would try to tag a person who was off-base, and then that person was It also, until only one person was left

A game we liked to play outside as well as inside on bad-weather days was Charades. Of course a good game of Tic Tac Toe was always in the offing, or as we called it, a game of Cat.

The last year Mrs. Loudenback was at Upper Timber Creek School, we started giving some programs. Mrs. Alberta Whiteman would come to the school and play the piano that we borrowed from the church next door until Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ewalt donated their piano to the school later in the year. If my memory serves me right, we had a Christmas program and a program for the last day of school, along with a covered-dish dinner. This tradition was carried out until after I graduated from the eighth grade.

The following year, my fourth year, we started giving programs at Halloween too, and also prepared a few numbers for the Harvest Sale that was usually held the first weekend in November. This was an event sponsored by the ladies of the Friends Church. Items that sold at auction ranged from quilts to jams and any- thing else that might be of excess around the house or farmstead, that could be sold to raise money for the church. The schoolhouse was usually packed to the walls for these programs by just about everyone in the community, even if they did not have any children in school

A highlight of the last day of school was always the baseball game the men of the community played. Sides were chosen, and any boys of the school who were big enough to play got in on the fun too. The ball diamond was laid out north of the school building on the big side of the playground; and the wooden screen of the girls' toilet was the backstop behind home plate. This is what led up to the students playing work-up the last half of my grade school days, The game might last up to 14 to 21 days.

My fourth year began with a new teacher, Miss Sarah Jo Bergdall, or Miss Sarah Jo as we were instructed to call her. This was her fourth school and her sixth year of teaching. She was teaching on a two-year renewable teaching certificate and she had attended Southwestern College at Winfield for two years, having a total of 65 college hours to her credit. She boarded with the Ray Houston family, living in the parsonage next to the church.

We started the year with 15 students enrolled, with Audine Wilson and Jacqueline (Jackie) Yarbrough starting the first grade. Marvin Howe returned this year after going to school at Toll School. Then on November 26, the Wilmer Hoard family moved into the district one mile west of the schoolhouse. Their daughter Marilyn (my second cousin) was enrolled in the third grade. This made a total of four student: walked home to the north of the schoolhouse. Then the first of December the Frank Morgan family moved to Latham, so Lloyd transferred to that school. Then on Feb. 26 Marvin Howe transferred to the Burden School when his parents moved two miles north of that town. We ended the school year with 14 students, and this was the year that Betty Whiteman graduated from the eighth grade.


The school board contracted the water well cleaned and the hand pump brought to top condition. During the time this was being done, several of the parents hauled water in ten-gallon milk cans to the school.

Our daily program was changed just a little during the fourth and fifth year my schooling. After opening exercises we had spelling, followed by arithmetic until recess. After recess we had English; and the upper grades had health on Tuesday Thursday, and the first grade had word study and phonics until noon. The teacher would read for 20 minutes after the noon break, and then we would work on social studies with each class reciting for about ten minutes. following that after noon recess, the whole school studied reading; and the last 15 minutes of Friday was reserved for some science work.

We were really wondering if we would have school my fifth year, as the school board had not been able to find a teacher by the end of August. Miss Sarah Jo had married that summer (becoming Mrs. Bill Simpson), and had not planned on teach. I remember the day the board went to Winfield to talk her into coming back to teach. Mr. Simpson was working at the Wallingford Elevator, and he had moved to a farm 1/2 mile north and 1/2 mile east of the schoolhouse. He drove to Winfield to work every day, and dropped Sarah Jo off at the schoolhouse on his way. She left her house keeping chores at the school till morning, as she had plenty of time for this each morning. She would leave the school as soon as it was dismissed so I had some one to walk most of the way home


After Christmas we returned to school on the second of January, and on the I of January we had a blizzard that blocked the roads for several days. Sarah Jo and I caught a ride with Donald Wilson to the corner 1/2 mile north of the school; but the road was already drifted shut the next 1/2 mile, so we walked, meeting my father at our turn-in. Sarah Jo wasn't sure if Bill would be able to make it home that night from Winfield, so it was decided that I should stay the night with her to help with the chores. About 8:00 P.M. Bill and his brother got home, walking the last 1/2 mile. They had to abandon their car just east of Atlanta, and they caught a ride from there.

It was -20F the next morning, but the sun was shining as we sat down to breakfast. We had no more than sat down when a general ring on the party telephone was given. Mrs. Donald Wilson was in labor, and the community was mobilizing to get her to a doctor. The men of the community dropped their after-the-storm chores and worked most of the day to get Mrs. Wilson to Cambridge before she gave birth to a new daughter. They pulled the Wilson car with a tractor and did lots of scooping and driving through pastures and fields trying to get to the U.S. 160 highway to Winfield, but they ended up in Cambridge instead.

In February of 1946, the Toll Schoolhouse and contents were sold at Public Auction. Clayton Smith, school board clerk, was at that sale; and he purchased all of the school desks, the glass-fronted four-shelf oak bookcase, and the teacher's desk, for $5.50. All of these were in very good condition and were put to good use replacing desks that were in poor repair. The students' desks were mounted in four rows on I x 4 boards, making it easy to move them to the schoolhouse and around the schoolhouse when needed. The rest of the desks which were of good repair were mounted likewise soon after. Ed Howe borrowed a truck, and Clayton Smith and Mr. Howe moved the new fixtures one night after the farm chores were done.

The month of February was broken up with three forced holidays. On February 3rd and 4th, Sarah Jo had an infection in her hand and couldn't teach; and then she had the flu on February 12. Then we had another snow storm on February 21, causing another day off. This caused us to get out late that spring, with the last day of school falling on May 9.

It was during all this bad weather that we found a new game to play inside. The floors were dark oiled hardwood that we could mark on with chalk, so we laid out a hopscotch pattern of 36 squares. As each participant completed the pattern on one foot, he could claim a square and could write his or her name in the square. From this point on, no one but that person could land on this square. , If you didn't plan ahead pretty well, it became impossible to land on your squares, and then you were out of the game. This game kept us occupied many hours. Of course, with all of the snow we built some mighty fine snowmen and snow forts for snowball fights. This was the year that Ralph Lemmons took the pastor ship of the Church, so the Houston family moved out and the Lemmons family moved into the parsonage. They had several children, but only two were still in grade school. Donald was in the second grade with Audine Wilson and Jackie Yarbrough; and John was in the fourth grade with Beverly Dennett, Imagene Whiteman, and Marilyn Hoard. Carl Dennett started the first grade, making a total of eleven students enrolled for the year. Jennie Morgan was ill this year and did not attend school, but she returned the following year.

This was about the time the State Inspectors started showing up at the school. They would take a water sample, set a light meter on each one of our desks, and mutter about the north windows not being good for our eyesight. This kept up until the school board finally had to give in and take the windows out of the north side of the building in 1952.

Things really changed with the start of my sixth year at Upper Timber Creek School. The schoolhouse got a face-lifting with the hardwood floors getting a good sanding; and a varnish finish was applied to the floors, putting an end to the oil finish that had to be applied at least two times per year. The ceiling and woodwork got a coat of paint; and some new wallpaper was hung too. To top it off new window shades were put up, and some monks cloth was purchased to make new stage curtains across the front of the building.

Georgia Burgess was hired to teach the school for the term of 1947-48, having taught for five years in the township at Mount Vernon school three miles south and one mile west of this school. As things worked out, she would be teaching here for the next four years. She greeted 13 students that fall, with Phyllis Jamison and Martha Hoard in the first grade. The Hoard family moved away during the school year, and the Mills family moved onto the same farm. They had two children in school: Karen in the first grade and Jerry in the second grade with Carl Dennett. Jennie Morgan had recovered from her illness and was enrolled in the seventh grade.

A new paper towel holder and a paper cup holder were installed, ushering in a new era to the country school my seventh year. The schoolhouse roof was getting bad and had to be reroofed on two sides. There was a lot of talk about the new REA electric lines which were scheduled to be installed in the future; and the school board signed up to tie onto the lines when they came through with a $5.00 deposit.

The old schoolhouse seemed to be bursting at the seams that fall, with 17 students enrolled. There were four first-graders, making it the largest class since 1936, when there were four students in the third grade. Esther Shields, Larry Yarbrough, Wayne Smalley and Earl Dennett made up the class. There were students in every grade except the fifth grade. Jennie Morgan graduated from the eighth grad this term. This was also the last year for the Lemmons brothers to attend Upper Timber Creek School, as their father accepted another pastor ship.

All these changes didn't change the number enrolled for the 1949-50 school term, as there were three first-graders enrolled the first Tuesday of September 1949. Linda Wilson, Jimmy Whiteman, and Jody Mills were the new pupils. This was the year that we were exposed to formal music training as the school board hired Mrs. Erma Ellis of Latham to teach music on a part-time basis. She came to the school ever Friday, and we worked our studies around her teaching schedule for that one day. Several of the girls took piano lessons too, and got to play short numbers at the school programs. We got some numbers ready for the county music festival in Winfield in the spring.

The last part of November we got a new set of World Book Encyclopedias, retired the old sets of World Book and Book of Knowledge encyclopedias. Right after the of the school term the schoolhouse was wired for electricity. The power was turn on during the summer, and the community really felt progressive.

The County Superintendent did away with the eighth-grade county exams this ye much to my relief. I had watched other pupils worry and study for these exams, and I had really been dreading the ordeal. No doubt they had finally decided that the local teachers were qualified enough to determine if a pupil was ready to advance to high school.

On the 20th of May 1950, I walked up the aisle of Dexter High School Auditorium and received my diploma for the eighth grade, ending my school career at Upper Timber Creek School.

Timber Creek School continued for five more terms after I graduated from the eighth grade. The enrollment stayed up at 15 until 1953, when it dropped to 12 pupils. Lack of student population had closed the other schools in the township, and the trend was picking up pace to consolidate with the larger town schools. Both Atlanta and Latham were running busses into the community, picking up the high school students attending in these centers. The cost of operating the school was also climbing very rapidly, making the cost per pupil go out of sight. Teachers' wage were climbing rapidly, and it was taking more to keep the building in satisfactory repair.

At the close of the 1952-53 session, the board determined the old coal stove just wouldn't make it another term, and they purchased new propane gas heaters at propane supply tank. This was the last major improvement that was done to the school prior to its closing.

On June 3, 1955, after the regular annual school meeting was held, a special meeting was called. The school board had been in contact with both the Atlanta and the Latham schools to determine which to recommend to the patrons for consolidation. After the facts of the future operation of the school were presented and discussed a motion was made to disorganize the district and the school. Nineteen patrons approved the motion, and three voted against it. This brought up a discussion on the building; and it was concluded that it would be best to retain the building and turn it over to the Township Board as a township hall to provide a meeting place for the community and a polling place for elections. With this behind them, the patrons voted to consolidate with the Latham district on a vote of eleven for and eight against. Those families who were living closer to Atlanta than to Latham later partitioned their land out of the Latham district to the Atlanta district.

This was the final action taken by the school board, thus closing the last chapter of the life of the grand old school. While it was not the first school organized in the township, it was the last to succumb to the forces of school reorganization and economics.

In 1966 the Cooks Day Off Club took on the project of having a school reunion on the Sunday prior to Memorial Day. The reunion was such a success that it has been held each year since, until the printing of this book. How much longer it will be able to carryon is hard to determine, as the alumni get a year older each year, and with this the ranks grow smaller as death takes its toll.


The end has come as come it must
To all things; in these sweet June days
The teacher and the scholar trust
Their parting feet to separate ways.
They part; but in the years to be
Shall pleasant memories cling to each,
As shells bear inland from the sea
The murmur of the rhythmic beach.
Her little realm the teacher leaves,
She breaks her wand of power apart,
While, for your love and trust, she gives
That warm thanks of a grateful heart.
Hers is the sober summer noon
Contrasted with your morn of spring;
The waning with the waxing moon,
The folded with the outspread wing
Across the distance of the years
She sends her God-speed back to you;
She has no thought of doubts or fears;
Be but yourselves, be pure, be true.
And prompt in duty; heed the deep
Low voice of conscience; through the ill
And discord round about you, keep
Your faith in human nature still.
And, when the world shall link your names
with gracious lives and manners fine,
The teacher shall assert her claims,
And proudly whisper, "These were mine!

John G. Whittier.




I taught the Timber School the 1923-24 year. I received my teaching certificate after taking what was then given in Winfield High School as the Normal Training course. After this course we took a State examination for the teaching Certificate that would give us 2 years to teach before having to renew.

When school began there were 31 pupils and by the end of the term there were 26, as some had moved from the district. There were all 8 grades. For a beginner teacher this was a full time job, but I enjoyed it.

I did all of the janitor work except some of the students enjoyed cleaning the black boards. I boarded in a home in the district and walked to school except in very bad weather.

There were County Teachers meetings during the year and I attended some but transportation wasn't that easy (as today). I did not attend the State Teachers Meeting held in Wichita.

The school Library was very meager but some good material. A large wall box of maps was very use full and a big help.

Some of the school activities other than the school hours was one program given by the children followed by an old fashioned box supper, with boxes auctioned off to highest bidder. The money received was used to buy school ground play equipment. We also gave a Christmas program with student gift exchange.

The normal day began with singing (the teacher playing the organ) and a few minutes of some different things, afternoon we usually read a chapter in some book. Some of the time 'it would be a boys book and next we would have one for the girls.

During recess and noon a number of different games were played. Blackman, Dare Base, some ball games, etc. One definite rule I had and enforced was that no one left the school ground with out my consent. (I found from this that in years before they went when and where they wanted to but to be back when the bell rang.) Just once was this rule really broken, during the winter, snow on the ground, the 5 largest boys left. I rang the bell earlier but still no boys, my worry was a pond not far away. I of course was sure they had gone through the ice, shortly after school took up across the road they came down some on one side of the hedge and some on the other just throwing sticks and rocks at rabbits, I gave them 5 minutes to be in their seats and they were all, with coats on. I'll let you guess what the punishment was, but not what they expected, it never happened again. So much for such happenings.

There were two eighth grade pupils a boy and girl, the boy went on to school and taught for a number of years before going on to other things. At least two other pupils went on through school and taught for some time. A number of my students passed away and many of them I do not have any way of knowing where they are.

I married and my children all graduated from the eighth grade in this same building.

Out of the school year there was only one day of no school as a big blizzard was on, I went but no pupils, that was Monday and by Friday all were finally back. There wasn't any type of disease during that year that kept the children out. The attendance during the year was real good and of course most of them walked to school.


by Georgia Burgess Smith

I wish to share some of the experiences that I had while teaching rural schools, I taught the Upper Timber Creek School District 103, for four years from 1947-48 till 1950-51. It was a one room school where all of the grades from Ist through thl 8th grade were taught. There was a lot of individual work done in the upper grades and many lessons were written lessons. These were checked and returned to the children. It took a lot of planning and I must say a lot of patience. Our term was an 8 month term. School started on the first Monday in September (Labor Day) and was finished about the third week in April. Each District had a school board; a clerk, director and a treasurer. The board hired the teachers and the teachers were paid by the district at the end of each month. The district provided for all essentials such as coal, kindling, janitors supplies, new books for the library, and the other things as they were needed.

A typical school day for pupils started at nine o'clock in the morning and was finished at four o'clock in the afternoon. My day started before nine o'clock as I needed to go early to get a fire started in the coal stove, so that the room would be warm for school. We had a large coal stove that heated the building. I would shake the grates to let the ashes and cinders drop into a pan. Some times some of the cinders were so large that they would not shake out, so I reached in the stove with my hands (when the fire was out) and get them out. I put the kindling in the stove which was always something that would burn quickly. Some times I used corn cobs soaked in kerosene and that sped up the process and after the kindling burned for awhile, I dumped in some coal. All the while one could see his own breath in the cold air, for it was cold! The cinders were carried outside and piled on the ground with other cinders. Sometimes some of the older boys would go for another bucket of coal. After the fire was going well, I put some assignments on the black board and did other things that needed to be done before school time.

When four o'clock came school was dismissed and I had things to do. I got the flag from the outside of the building. Sometimes a child would do this. Next thin: to do was sweep the floor, clean the blackboards and go for more coal. After this was all done, I locked the door and went home.

The plumbing was all outside and consisted of a girls toilet at the right of the school house and to the far west side of the play ground and the boys toilet was to the left. There was a water pump where all could get a drink. Each child had his own cup (Tin cup) and when the bell rang it was a race to the pump to get a drink. (In nice weather) We had a five minute bell and a last bell. The five minute bell gave each one time to scrape the mud from his or her shoes, get a drink, visit the toilet or what ever was needed. When the last bell rang the children lined up in front of the school house and marched into the building. This was done only when the weather was nice.

Opening exercises started with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and all prayed the Lords Prayer and pupils were seated. The rest of the fifteen minutes were allotted to one day in the week for current events, one day for a Bible verse, one day we sang a song or two and some times I would read to them.

We were ready to start our day. Instructions were given to the older children so that they could go ahead individually on lessons for the first part of the day. This period was always a reading period for the primary grades. Grades I and 2 read orally. It took a lot of time but it was necessary. We had a course of study from the State and this was guide for all grades and all classes in those grades. It was wise to refer to this guide often.

There was a mid-morning recess and another one in the afternoon. There was one hour for lunch and to play games. Some of the games that were played were: Hide and Seek, Dare Base, Blackman, Handy-Over and Work-up. This was a popular game for each child could work-up (soft-ball) and become batter. This he could do till he made an out, then everyone moved up one position and the batter started all, over again. The Whole group of children played these games. We all worked together and we all played together. On days when the weather was bad we played inside the schoolhouse. Upset-the fruit-basket was a good game that they all liked. It got a little noisy at times so we changed the game. They liked little games that they did on the blackboard and sometimes they would cipher.

In the library was a good set of encyclopedias (World Books) a large dictionary and some smaller ones too. There were large wall maps. There were primary charts and flash cards for the Primer that we taught. There were flash cards for addition and subtraction combinations. Each year we got some new books that we ordered from the State Reading Circle list. We got some books for the primary level, some for the middle grades and some for the upper grades. The children were always glad when these new books arrived.

There were teacher's meetings to attend. There were both County and State meetings. The county meetings were always on Saturday and the State meeting was the first weekend in November. In August before school started there was a 5 day county institute. This was an orientation for new teachers and there were workshops where one could get new ideas.

We had programs that consisted of recitation, songs and plays. All of the , children took part. There was always a Christmas program for parents and friends. J It was fun decorating the school room and it was fun to practice the songs and plays. We worked to do the very best on the programs. Just before the program a ; large Christmas tree was brought in to us and it was fun to make the tree beautiful with tinsel and bulbs. Sometimes some of the children would string popcorn to put on the tree. After a lot of hard work, practicing the plays and songs the night of the program finally arrived. Lights had to be secured, usually these were gasoline lights borrowed from various families in the community. They were hung at various places in the building. The lamps were pumped up after being filled with gasoline. Much care had to be taken to be sure that the mantles were not broken (these were very fragile but they gave off a brilliant light). One had to let the flame generate a few minutes and during this time everyone stayed away in case it might blow up! The last year that I taught Timber Creek, electricity had come to the community. It was a great joy to be able to have electric lights and out, Christmas tree was beautiful with electric lights allover it. Programs were given on the stage in the front of the building. There was a wire with the curtains strung on it and when everything was ready two students pulled the curtain and the SHOW WAS ON! There was not any admission fee, and no reserved seats. So people squeezed into the desks or sat on top of the desks while others leaned against the wall. At the end of the program Santa always burst into the room, talked to the ! children, passed out presents and treats. He told them all good by and he was on his way. We had Halloween programs or parties. This was fun too, when we decorated with orange and black crepe paper, made black cats, owls and witches. We always had a short Last Day of School program. Parents and friends came with filled baskets of food and we had a big delicious dinner at noon. Some times there was a ballgame in the afternoon.

In the middle and late 1940's and in the 1950's there was a change taking place in the communities which was to affect the rural schools. There was a decrease in school enrollments as some farm families were leaving the rural area. With the smaller enrollments and the rising costs to operate the schools it became a problem to try to operate the schools. There was a help, however, in State Aid but that only came if the enrollment was large enough for it. Schools began to close and join up with a neighboring town. A part of Timber Creek district joined with Latham and a part of it joined with Atlanta. Latham then became a part of Unified District No.205 in the 1960's at Leon and Atlanta became part of Unified District No.462, which is Atlanta, Burden and Cambridge. A part of the district which included Gernola has joined District No.462 in the 1970's. The districts are large and enrollments are large. Pupils are transported to and from school by bus operated by the district.

The one room, open class room, is gone from the country side but it served its purpose well in its time. I am sure that there were too many classes but we learned to Hit the high spots. In spite of all the classes records show that children were well drilled in the basics. The rural teacher taught all of the students that lived in the district and that often times involved all of the elementary grades 1 through 8. The teacher was teacher, janitor, play ground supervisor, lunch room supervisor and often times applied first aid when needed. There was no rule or rules as to how all of this was done. The only thing that one can say is WE DID IT


REUNIONS 1966-1978

The first reunion of former pupils and teachers and former residents was held Sunday May 29, 1966 at the Timber Creek Schoolhouse. The Cooks Day Off Club sponsored and had charge of the days activities. After a bountiful dinner acquaintances were renewed and past incidents recalled. Mrs. Lloyd (Thelma) Lanier had charge of the afternoon program. Five former teachers were present: Mrs. Fern Whiteman Grable, Mrs. Viola David King, Mrs. Alberta Calvin Whiteman, Mrs. Margaret Smith Scott, Mrs. Georgia Burgess Smith. There were 118 attending and 42 were former pupils at some time in the past. A quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto, Mrs. Albert Whiteman, and Earl Whiteman sang two numbers. Some group singing, two songs by the smaller children and several musical numbers by a trio composed of Edgar Whiteman, Cecil Smith and Leonard Cole of Wichita. Mrs. Edith McMinn read a letter from Elfreda Fell Huston a former teacher and Gladys Jones a former pupil.

It was voted to have the reunion again at the same time next year, the Sunday preceding Memorial Day. Mrs. Fern Grable was nominated as chairman and Mrs. Alberta Whiteman as secretary for the coming year. A collection for current expenses was taken and amounted to $13.77.

Attending were Mr. and Mrs. William Barnhill, 941 East 6th, Russell, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto, Judy and Barbara, Zenda, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Whiteman, Terry and Bud, Jim Whiteman all of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whiteman, Linda and Darlene, Mrs. Easter (Whiteman) Gatton and Mary, all of Cambridge, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Scott (Margaret Smith), Great Bend, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hitching, Little River, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peterson and Julie, Douglass, Kansas; Mrs. Estella Peterson, Augusta, Kansas; Mrs. Ralph Beightal and Betty, Westminster, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gordon, Elk City, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiteman, Haysville, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and Dwight, Bert C. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith (Shirley Wallace) of Latham, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn (Edith Smith), Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith (Mabel Moss), Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Haworth and Ann, Mrs. Maud Shields, Burden, Kansas; C. E. and Shirley Stolp Briscoe, 2427 Cheyenne, Caroldean Briscoe, 2329 S. Spruce, Mrs. Earl Busby (daughter of Clyde Jordon), Marianne, Julie and Susan, 1607 Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Lawerance Akin, 2419 Bedford Road, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Smith, Leonard Cole, Don Smith, and Bill Stark, all of Wichita, Kansas.

Charlie and Jessie (Putnam) McCaleb, 1017 Manning, Arthur Putnam, 416 E. 12th, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gordon Sr., 1218 E. 5th, Esther Putnam Story, 10031/2 Manning, Mr. and Mrs. George Tharp and Margaret, Grace Hawley, 1511 Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey i Parker and Carolynn, 1712 Mound, Carl and Mat tie Parker, 800 E. 12th, Pearl (Whiteman) Lee and Fern (Whiteman) Grable, 1417 E. 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Young, Viola David King, RR Ill, Miss Jackie Yarbrough all of Winfield, Kansas. Ray and Helen (Whiteman) Willard, Richard and Joy (Jamison) Williams, Ann and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jordon, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman and Earl, Mrs. Clara Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whiteman and Cheryl, Kathy and Nick, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Whiteman, Mrs. Leora Bland, Susan and Angela, all from Atlanta, Kansas.

May 28, 1967

The second homecoming of all former teachers, pupils and residents was held on the Sunday preceding Memorial Day at Timber Creek Community Center. After a bounful basket dinner, Mrs. Lloyd Lanier had charge. The flag salute was given and prayer by Orville Whiteman. All past teachers present were recognized; they were: M Fern Whiteman Grable, Mrs. Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman, Mrs. Margaret (Smith) Scott and Georgia (Burgess) Smith.

Letters were read from Sadie Ewalt, a former teacher, and 15 of her former pupils were present; Mrs. Martha Loudenback, a former teacher, Wm. T. Barnhill and Mrs. Bernice (Lanier) Wilcox. Group singing was enjoyed, a reading, The Old School House, was given by Alberta Whiteman. Selma Whiteman and Earl Whiteman sang a duet accompanied by Earl on his guitar. Past incidents and happenings were recalled. Recalling many of the real old times of the community we discovered just one, Mrs. Ida Lanier, age 92, is the only one living. A gift was given to the one coming the farthest: Harlan Whiteman, Baton Rouge, La., and the oldest one present Mrs. Melissa Whiteman Carrothers.

The minutes of the meeting of last year were read. A discussion about having the homecoming again and a motion was made and carried to meet again at the same time in '68. Thelma Lanier was nominated as chairman for the coming year and Alberta Whiteman as secretary.

The expenses for the current year was $6.53. A collection was taken amounting to $14.84 minus expenses leaves $10.31 on hand.

Meeting adjourned by all singing 1 verse of God be with You Till We Meet Again. Visiting and picture taking followed. 32 past pupils were in attendance. Adjourned to meet on Sunday preceding Memorial Day a year from now in 1968.

Sec. Alberta White

Attending: Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Whiteman, Baton Rouge, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and Chester Jr., Hominy, Okla.; Mrs. Joe Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Akins and Bessie, Miss Julane Caldwell, and Carl Whiteman of Wichita, Kansas; Mr. and M Edgar Whiteman, Haysville; Mrs. Melissa Carrothers, Mulvane; Mrs. Nona Howard, Augusta; Mrs. Larry Yarbrough, Heath and Craig, Columbia, MO.; Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Scott, Great Bend, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shields, Mrs. Pearl Lee, Mrs. Fern Grable, Mrs. Mable McDannald, Deanna Warner of Winfield, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence, Mrs. Maud Shields of Burden, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Smith and Dwight of Latham, Kansas; Sam and Minta Haring, Ray and Helen Willard, Albert and Selma Whiteman, Mrs. Clara Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy a Robin, Bruce L. Whiteman, Kathy and Nick, Ellis Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lanier of Atlanta, Kansas.

May 26, 1968

The reunion of past teachers, pupils and former residents was enjoyed again this year. After a bountiful dinner a short business meeting was held. Fern Grable read a letter from Lula Stickel Ferguson, who lives at a rest home. Past teachers present were Georgia (Burgess) Smith, Margaret (Smith) Scott, Fern (Whiteman) Grable Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman. There were 22 former pupils present. Election of officers for the coming year were Margaret Scott as chairman and Clara Cline secretary-treasurer, and program committee Selma Whiteman and Jean Yarbrough. A collection of $8.55 with the $3.41 on hand make $11.96.

Meeting adjourned to meet on Sunday preceding Memorial Day 1969.

Alberta Whiteman, Sec.-Treas.

Attending were: Russell and Helen (Smith) Long, 1128 Flynn, Alva, Okla.; Alfred a Shirley Smith, Latham, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parker, Pearl Lee, Fern Grable, of Winfield; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn of Burden; Ann and 33 Gina Krug of El Dorado; Lloyd and Thelma Lanier, Mrs. Bill Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moss, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman of Atlanta, Kansas appeared on the guest register.

May 25, 1969

The fourth reunion of former teachers, pupils and residents was held on the Sunday preceding Memorial Day at the Timber Creek Community Center. After a bountiful basket dinner a short business meeting was held. Mrs. Alberta Whiteman pre- sided as chairman in the absence of Margaret (Smith) Scott. A welcome was read by the secretary. Two songs were sung by the group, led by Selma Whiteman: School Days and The more We Get Together. Minutes of last meeting were read. A piece of poetry composed by Albert Whiteman and presented to Edith (Smith) McMinn, in their younger days, was recited by Edith much to Albert's embarrassment. A very interesting talk about her trip to Africa was presented by Pearl Lee.

There were 4 former teachers present: Fern (Whiteman) Grable, Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman, Georgia (Burgess) Smith, Viola (David) King. There were 17 who had gone to school at Timber Creek present. There were about 60 present.

A motion was made and seconded to have the homecoming again next year. It was also voted to have it the Sunday following Memorial Day. It was suggested to buy a chair for the Community Center and to spend up to $15.00 to fix up something that needs to be done. It was voted on and carried. Three chairs were bought with the money we had on hand. Election of officers for the coming year were Alberta Whiteman, chairman and Clara Cline, secretary-treasurer. A talk was given by Joe Ridings of Latham, Mort Tomlin of Moline, and Mr. and Mrs. Evert Osborn of Winfield, formerly of Missouri. This was their first visit to Timber Creek in 47 years.

A collection of $11.81 was taken. Expenses of cards, stamps, coffee, and advertising were $3.82. We had $11.96 on hand which made a total of $19.95. Chairs $19.90 so we have a balance of 5 cents on hand. After the meeting visiting was enjoyed by all.

Clara Cline Sec.-Treas

Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Hominy, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Dee McMinn, Burden; Ann and Gina Krug, El Dorado; Mr. and Mrs. Mort Tomlin, Moline; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridings, Morrel Starkey, Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith, Latham; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Yarbrough, Heath and Craig, Paola; John Rice, Danny Ferguson and Larry Dennett, Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiteman, Lyle, Shirley, Darrell, Cora and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Donna Davis and Clara Cline of Atlanta; Russell Whiteman and Lin- day Whiteman of Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parker, Mrs. Pearl Lee, Mrs. Fern Grable, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian King, and Mr. and Mrs. Evert Osborn, Winfield, Kansas.

Sunday, May 31, 1970

Ninety-two people attended the 5th reunion of former teachers and pupils held at Timber Creek Community Center, May 31, 1970. A basket dinner was held at 1 P.M. with the blessing given by Golda Ridings.

There were three former teachers present: Mrs. Fern (Whiteman) Grable, Mrs. Georgia (Burgess) Smith, and Mrs. Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman.

ased friends and former pupils: Clyde Gorden and Charley Young.

The ones coming the farthest were Harvey Whiteman, his 3 daughters, son-in-law and granddaughter from Dunning, Nebraska. Harvey was 82 years old. They all enjoyed the wonderful lunch and the visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Alberta Whiteman was elected chairman and Mrs. Clara Cline secretary-treasurer for the coming year.

It was voted to have the homecoming the last Sunday in May preceding Memorial day which will be on May 30th.

Cecil Carrier came from Wichita to emcee the program. Two lovely songs were sung by Arleen and Bob Otto of Rose Hill. Ten numbers were played by Edgar Whiteman, Jerry Whiteman, Cecil Smith and Clyde Aubershain, and several songs were sung by Mrs. Ernie Eshelman from Leon. Mrs. Anna Belle Brown and Mrs. Eshelman sang Ho Great Thou Art, which was enjoyed by everyone. A talk about her school days was given by Edith (Smith) McMinn. A talk by Edgar Whiteman and Mrs. Eshelman was give After the program the afternoon was spent visiting and taking pictures.

We had 5 cents left in the treasury. We took up a collection of $29.68. Supplies and advertising was $6.32 leaving a $23.41 balance on hand.

A ciphering match was to be held between Edith McMinn and Albert Whiteman but due to illness Edith decided it best to wait until next year.

Clara Cline, Sec.

In attendance: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Akins, Francis an Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whiteman and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Patty and Regina, Beverley and Trena Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schooley, Kay and Brian, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Whiteman, all of Wichita; Harvey Whiteman, Dunning, Nebraska; Mrs. Jed Mooney, Mason City, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foley and Mrs. Harvenna Daggett and daughter of Merna, Neb.; Mrs. Malissa Carrothers, Mulvane; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridings, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith of Latham; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. George Sphar and Clyde Aubershain of Leon, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Gary Willard, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn of Burden; Mrs. Pea Lee, Mrs. Mable McDannald, Mrs. Fern Grable, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parker and Carolyn, Mrs. Eva Warner, Mrs. Ethel Harris, Mrs. Clyde Gorden, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker all of Winfield, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto, Gary and Judy, Rose Hill, Ks., Stanley Smith, McCook, Nebras ka; Ann and Gina Krug, El Dorado, KS.; Easter Gat ton and Mary, Mrs. Audine Nickles, Bart and Joyce, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Willey Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Raring, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Mrs. Clara Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis, Mark, Donna, Wesley and Shelby, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White man, Nick and Kathy, all of Atlanta, KS.

May 30, 1971

The sixth annual homecoming was held at Timber Creek, May 30th. Eighty attended. A basket dinner was held at noon. The blessing being given by Thelma Lanier. The Lord's Prayer was repeated by all. There were 2 former teachers: Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman and Georgia (Burgess) Smith. There were 2 pupils who went to Georgia and 4 who went to Alberta present, and 17 who had gone to Timber Creek. There were 8 of the Elmer Smith family, 6 of the Wilson, 12 of Charley Whiteman, 11 of Granville Whiteman, 2 of Albert Whiteman, 8 Laniers and 5 Parkers. The one coming the farthest was Iva Ellis from Topeka. Two letters were read: one from Margaret (Smith) Scott and one from Haroenna (Whiteman) Daggett.

Edith McMinn suggested next year each teacher tell something interesting that happened during her year of teaching. She told several interesting things that happened during her teaching career. She read a poem "Make Others Happy".

It was announced the /township board had purchased 5 more chairs.

Jean and Warren Yarbrough, Thelma and Lloyd Lanier were elected officers for tl coming year. Cecil Carrier was the announcer.

A memorial was read by the secretary for 4 of our former pupils, teachers and residents of Timber Creek: Harvey Parker, Harvey Whiteman, Fern Grable and Ida Lanier.

A candle lighting ceremony was given by Thelma Lanier and a song was sung by Audine Wilson Nickles, In the Garden. Edgar Whiteman, Hubert Smith, Clyde Aubershain and Cecil Smith played music all afternoon. Audine Nickles of Cambridge sang several songs. Jackie DeCourdres sang one song with Audine, "Count Your Blessings". Shelly, Wesley, Donna and Mark Davis played and sang 3 songs. Bob and Arleen Otto of Rose Hill played and sang 2 songs.

The next homecoming will be the Sunday preceding Memorial Day May 29th.

Clara Cline, Secretary

Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis, Shelly, Donna, Wesley and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Haworth and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lanier, Mrs. Maxine Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whiteman, Nick, Kathy and Cheryl, Mrs. Alta Gordon and Gloria, and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Whiteman of Atlanta; Mrs. Pearl Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridings, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mrs. Mable McDannald, Mrs. Eva , Warner and Deanna, Mrs. Ethel Harris and Steven, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson, all of Winfield; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, Gina and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carrier, Mrs. Joe Whiteman, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith of Wichita; Mr. Clyde Aubershain of Leon; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto, Barbara, Judy and Gary, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith, of Latham; Mrs. Wayne SmaIley, Udall; Mrs. Eva Ellis, Topeka; Mrs. Mellisa Carrothers, Mulvane; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, of Burden; Mrs. Audine Nickles, Bart and Joyce, Mrs. Easter Gat ton and Mary of Cambridge, Kansas.

May 31, 1972

The 7th annual homecoming for former pupils, teachers and residents of Timber Creek met Sunday, May 28th at the Community Center, with 49 in attendance. At 1 noon a basket dinner was held with Orville Whiteman giving the blessing, after which a business meeting was held, with Thelma Lanier in charge. There were 3 former teachers present: Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman, Viola (David) King, and Georgia (Burgess) Smith. There were 4 pupils who went to Alberta, 4 to Viola, and none present who went to Georgia. Fifteen present who at some time had gone to Timber Creek. There were 8 of the Smith family, 16 Whitemans, 7 Parkers, and 2 of Laniers present.

Chester Smith, Edith McMinn, Bob Otto, Georgia Smith, Alberta Whiteman and Viola King all told of some happening that occurred during their teaching career. "Our young old timer" as Orville Whiteman calls himself, gave a very interesting history of Timber Creek and community.

A Memorial Candle-lighting ceremony was presented by Thelma Lanier for Willie Whiteman and Roy Smith. The 23rd Psalm led by Thelma Lanier was said by all.

A poem "I Like Being Fat" was read by Mildred Eshelman, and a jingle was read by Thelma Lanier. It was voted to have the reunion on Sunday preceding Memorial Day, May 27, 1973. It was voted to buy 2 new chairs this year. Selma and Albert Whiteman and Clara and Bill Cline were appointed officers for the coming year.

Music was furnished by Arleen and Bob Otto, Edgar Whiteman, Vernon Berry, Mildred Eshelman, Clyde Aubershain and Henry Moege.

Clara Cline, Secretary

Attending: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, Don Davis, Donna and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lanier, Mrs. Clara Cline, and Nick Whiteman of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Hominy, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridings, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mrs. Eva . Warner and Deanna, Mrs. Pearl Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian King and Mrs. Mable McDannald, all of Winfield; Carol Ann and Gina Krug of El Dorado; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto, Barbara, Judy and Gary of Rose Hill; Mrs. Mildred Eshelman and Clyde Aubershain o Leon; Mrs. Easter Gat ton of Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith of Latham; Mr. and Mrs. Dee McMinn of Burden; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moege and Vernon Berry and Sam, all of Wichita.

May 27 1973

The eighth annual Timber Creek Homecoming of past teachers, pupils and residents was held Sunday, May 27, 1973, with 69 present. A basket dinner was held at noon with Pearl Lee offering the blessing.

The business meeting was opened by a welcome from the secretary. "School Day E and "The More We Get Together" were sung by the group. Teachers who taught at Timber Creek were Alberta (Calvin) Whiteman and Georgia (Burgess) Smith. There were former pupils of Georgia Smith and 6 former pupils of Alberta Whiteman present. ' There were 5 members of the Parker family, 16 members of the Smith family, 17 members of the Whiteman families, 4 members of the Haworth family and 3 members of the Young family present.

A song, "God Can" was sung by Beverly, Cindy and Robin Yarbrough, accompanied. Alberta Whiteman on the organ. Two readings were given by Edith McMinn; also a reading was given by Althea Mann in German and then English. A dance was present by Ruby (Mann) Bruha, Wichita, who is taking dancing lessons from the Arthur Murray Dance Studio for the handicapped. A memorial was read for Guy Willard by the secretary. Mrs. Ernie Eshelman gave two very interesting readings.

A gift was given to the ones the farthest from home: Althea Mann, Fontana, California, and Homer Young, Parker, Arizona. A gift was given to the oldest woman: Shirley Smith. The oldest men receiving gifts were Alfred Smith and Aldus Kivett The youngest present was Donnie Mills. There were friends from Nebraska, Arizona California and Oklahoma.

Mrs. Eshelman sang, He Touched Me, How Great Thou Art" , and "My Cheating Heart", accompanied by Henry Moege on the organ. Some very interesting memories were shared by Orville Whiteman, Pearl Lee, Eva (Smith) Kivett and Edith McMinn. Those appointed program officers for the next year were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker Mrs. Pearl Lee, Mrs. Mable McDannald, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman.

Stanley Smith is making a special project to write the history of the Timber Creek School for the Centennial, which will be held in 6 years. The district was organized in 1879 and the first term of school was held in 1880. He has a list of all board members, teachers and pupils from 1914. Anyone having old pictures or records of school days is asked to contact Stanley Smith, Box 1, Garden City, Ks,

Visiting and taking pictures followed the business meeting.

A thank you note was received from Homer Young after the homecoming, expressed his thanks for the wonderful day they had here with old friends. Also a note from Joe and Gold Ridings of Winfield and Anneta and Mort Tomlin from Moline expressed their thanks for the invitation, but other things kept them from attending.

Clara Cline, Secretary

Attending: Mrs. Easter Gat ton, Mr. and Mrs. Randall Watt of Cambridge; Mr. and Ray Smith, Mrs. Arlie Wingert, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMinn, Mrs. Grace Smith, Mrs. Mable McDannald, of Burden; Carol Ann and Gina Krug and Andrew Kochie of El Dorado. Mrs. Maneva Whiteman, Mrs. Carley Young, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mrs. Elmo Groc and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Groom of Winfield; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Whiteman, Mrs. Carol Smith and Stephanie, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Cindy and Robin; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whiteman and Nick, Mrs. Betty Hawroth and Anna, Mrs. Ester Figgins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, and Mrs. Clara Cline of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith of Latham; Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Kivett Haviland; Mrs. Bruce Bryan, Okeene, Okla.; Mrs. Althea Mann, Fontana, Calif.; Ruby Bruha, Wichita, Ks.; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moege, Augusta; Mrs. Mildred Eshelman, Leon, Ks.; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Yarbrough, Craig and Heath, Johnson, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mills, Kerry, Tony, Debbie and Donnie, Cushing, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Dawn, Stanton and Grant, Garden City, Ks.; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whiteman, Haysville; and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Young, Parker, Ariz.

May 26, 1974

The 9th homecoming reunion of past teachers, pupils and residents with those of today, was held Sunday, May 26, 1974, with 51 present. A basket dinner was enjoyed at noon with Esther Figgins asking the Blessing. In the afternoon the group sang one verse of "How Great Thou Art" followed by a prayer by Mattie Parker. Selma Whiteman led the group in singing "The More We Get Together". .Alberta Whiteman was the only former teacher present. There were others present who were or are teachers at present. During the afternoon business, Edgar Whiteman and Justin Kifer of Wichita presented some music and Bob and Arlene Otto of Rose Hill sang several duets accompanied by Bob on the guitar. A quartet composed of Bob and Arlene, Selma and Earl Whiteman sang "Just a Closer Walk with Thee".

Pearl Lee and Alberta Whiteman each recited a poem from former years. Mattie Parker read a poem "Looking for the Sunrise" in memory of Claude Parker who passed away the past year. Orville Whiteman gave a few of his memories of past years. All the adults signed their names with a word to be sent to Clayton Smith, who has been in the Winfield Hospital.

During the meeting a gift was given to Mrs. Melissa Carrothers of Mulvane. A gift was given to Mrs. Carol Smith Freeman for coming the farthest, San Francisco, here visiting her parents, the Alfred Smiths of Latham. It was agreed to give a donation to those furnishing music for the afternoon.

A collection of $14.07 was taken. Bruce Whitemans and Bob Ottos were appointed for next year's program.

Treasurer's report:

Money on hand $26.35
Expenses $14.75 $11.60
Collection $14.07
Balance $25.67

Alberta Whiteman Secretary

Attending: Mrs. Carol Smith Freeman, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Whiteman, Wichita; Mrs. Melissa Carrothers, Mulvane; Mrs. Mary Ledford, Salina; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mills and family, Cushing, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Latham; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Otto and family, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ridings, Mrs. Maneva Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, and Mrs. Pearl Lee all of Winfield; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence, Wichita; Mrs. Deana Lawrence, Winfield; Edgar Whiteman and Justin Kifer of Wichita; Earl Whiteman, Albuquerque, N.M.; Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Kivit, Haviland; Mrs. Easter Gatton, Cambridge; Mrs. Mable McDannald, Burden; Mrs. Clara Cline, Mrs. Iva Markely, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schooley and family, Miss Esther Figgins, Mr. Bruce Whiteman, Nick and Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Whiteman.

May 25, 1975

The 10th annual homecoming of former teachers, pupils and residents was held on Sunday preceding Memorial Day at the Timber Creek Community Center. After a bountiful basket dinner a short business meeting was held. Bruce Whiteman presided as chairman. Thelma Lanier had a memorial recognition for Clayton Smith, Mae Jamison and Beverly Sumner who had lived in this community and had gone to school.

Albert Smith of New York received a gift for the farthest distance traveled. Alberta Whiteman received a gift for having the most students there: Edgar Whiteman and Don Smith of Wichita, Kansas and Clara Cline from Atlanta. There were 18 past students there. A letter from Homer and Jo Young of Parker, Arizona was read. A motion was made and seconded to buy a nice record-keeping book for next year. Election of new officers for next year are Clara Cline and Selma Whiteman.

Treasurers report:

Money on hand $25.83
Expense $17.95
Balance $30.19

Volunteers to clean the schoolhouse for next year's reunion were Jean Yarbrough, Clara Cline and Delores Whiteman.

Albert Smith showed slides of a trip around the world for the program.

There were 70 people present.

Alberta Whiteman Secretary

Attending: Albert Smith, New York City; Jerry Mills and family of R.R. 113, Cushin! Okla.; William and Thelma Barhills, 914 E. 6th, Russell, Ks.; Donald and Ida Smith 660 N. Estelle, and Kenneth Lawrence, 1501 S. 160 East, of Wichita; Edgar Whiteman 239 Western, Haysville; George Tharp and family, 1704 Frankfort, Carl Parker and family, Joe and Goldia Ridings, R.R. 112, Pearl Lee, Maneva Whiteman, Anna Haworth, Mary Lawerance, 403 E. llth St., Lloyd Gordon, 1218 E. 5th, and Mrs. Jackie DeCourres, Brent, Trent, Gina, wrk and Greg, 1103 E. llth, of Winfield; Mrs. Undine Cunningham, Moline; Carol Smith, Karolyn Smith, Sherry and Stephanie Smith, Mable McDannald, all of Burden; Mrs. Audine Nickles, Bart, Joyce, and Mary Ann, Lloyd Lawrence and family, R.R. 112, of Cambridge; Albert Whiteman and family, Bruce Whiteman and family, Glen Sanders and family, Jean and Cindy Yarbrough, Chal mer and Betty Haworth and family, Box 102, Bert Schooley, Lloyd Lanier and family, Orville Whiteman and family, Mrs. Eula Beightol, Box 44, Bill Cline and family of Atlanta; and Alfred Smiths of Latham.

May 30, 1976

Sixty-four former teachers, pupils and friends gathered at Timber Creek Community Building Sunday May 30th for the 11th annual reunion. At noon a basket dinner was held with Rev. Sanders asking the blessing. A business meeting was held at 2:00 P.M..

The program was started off by the group singing "School Days" and "The More we Get Together" led by Selma Whiteman. The Lord's Prayer was said by the group. The minutes were read by the secretary. There were two teachers of Timber Creek: Georgia Smith and Alberta Whiteman. No pupils present who had gone to Georgia. Seven were present who had gone to Alberta. There were 17 former pupils present. There were 9 Smiths, 23 Whitemans, 4 Parkers, 2 Stickels present. A memorial was read f Sam Haring by the secretary. Pearl Lee told of the death of Mildred Eshelman of Leon who came to Timber Creek with the music and sang 2 or 3 years. A poem "Touch of the Master's Hand" was read by Selma. Stanley Smith told of his progress on hi research of the Timber Creek history. A letter was read from Jo and Homer Young who were unable to attend.

Memories of former years were told by Orville Whiteman, Edith McMinn, and Stir Stickel. Gifts to the oldest man and woman were given to Shirley and Alfred Smith of Latham. The ones coming the farthest: Harland Whiteman and Stirl Stickel of Baton Rouge, LA, Stanley Smiths of Garden City and Glen Mullins of Perry, Okla. The youngest girl was Clarrisa Yarbrough and the youngest boy was Joshua Johnson.

Volunteer clean-up crew was Orville Whiteman, Clara Clina and Jean Yarbrough. Elected Officers were Jean Yarbrough and Thelma Lanier.

Treasurer's report:

Money on hand $30.19
Expenses $9.12 $21.07
Collection $10.70
Balance $10.70

Clara Cline Secretary

Attending: H. A. and Lillian Whiteman, 5596 Truman, Baton Rouge, LA, Allie and Sterling Stickel, 12223 Troy Street, Baton Rouge, LA; Pearl Lee, 1017 Millington, Winfield; Mabel McDannald, Burden; Ed and Elsie Whiteman, 239 Western, Haysville; Lavina Krug, Box 163, Burden; Beryl Schooley, Box 134, Atlanta; Georgia Smith, Latham; Stanley and Pat Smith and family, Box I, Garden City; Orville and Alberta Whiteman, Atlanta; Don and Charlene, Mark Wesley, Shelly Davis, Atlanta; Cindy and Joshua Johnson, Dexter; Glenn and Cora Sanders, Atlanta; Kay and Bert Schooley, Atlanta; Bob and Arlene Otto, Judy, Barbara, Gary of Rose Hill; Kert Bradly, Douglass; Bill and Clara Cline, Atlanta; Alfred and Shirley Smith, Latham; Maneva Whiteman, Winfield; Glen and Eunice Mullen and Marilyn, 1709 prim- rose, Perry, OK.; Edith and D. J. McMinn, Burden; Easter Gat ton, Cambridge; Warren and Jean Yarbrough, Robin and Cindy, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Yarbrough, Carissa, Craig and Heath, Rossville; Jill Sparks, Unionville, MO.; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Winfield; and Albert and Selma Whiteman, Atlanta; Stella Peterson and Na- dine, Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiteman, Haysville.

June 6, 1977

Twenty-two former teachers, pupils and friends attended the 12th annual reunion held at the Timber Creek Community Center May 31st. A covered dish dinner was held .at I P.M. with Rev. Sanders giving the blessing. A business meeting was held with Thelma Lanier as chairman. The minutes were read by the secretary Jean Yarbrough. It was voted and carried to hold the reunion a week before Memorial Day next-year. Meneva Whiteman was elected chairman and Clara Cline secretary for the coming year. No collection was taken this year. There were 2 former teachers of Timber Creek: Alberta Whiteman and Georgia Smith, with 3 former pupils of Alberta's year. There were 12 former pupils present. A rubber stamp was purchased to help with the cards and letters.

Edgar Whiteman had come the farthest and Alfred Smith the oldest member present and Kay Schooley the youngest. A letter from Homer Young was read. Cora Sanders gave a memorial for Selma Whiteman, Carl Shields and Russell Long.

The clean-up crew for next year is Thelma Lanier, Jean Yarbrough and Clara Cline. Many old memories were told by the teachers and pupils, and each told which teacher they liked best. The meeting was closed by The Lord's Prayer being said by all.

Jean Yarbrough, Secretary

Attending: Edgar and Elsie Whiteman, 239 Western, Haysville; Easter Gatton, Cambridge; Orville and Alberta Whiteman, Clara Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schooley and Kay, Glen and Cora Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Albert Whiteman, Georgia Smith all of Atlanta; Pearl Lee, 1017 Millington, Maneva Whiteman, 917 E. Ilth, Winfield; Mable McDannald, Burden; Alfred C. and Shirley B. Smith, Latham, Kansas.


Treasurer's Report:

Money on hand $31.77
Expenses $19.34
Balance $.43
Balance $12.43

May 21, 1978

Sixty former pupils and friends met at the Timber Creek Community Center, Sun 21st for the 13th annual reunion. At noon a wonderful dinner was served with Rev Sanders giving the blessing. Phil Whiteman was acting chairman and he started the program by the group singing The More We Get Together and The Lord's Prayer.

Shelly and Mark Davis sang Paper Roses and Cowboys ain't supposed to Cry. A song This Old House was sung by Trish Whiteman with Mark Davis on the guitar. Arlene and Bob Otto sang Wondrous Story and Invisible Hands;.

Nine present had taught school and two of those had taught at Timber Creek: Georgia Smith and Alberta Whiteman. Of the 15 present who had attended Timber Creek 3 attended under Alberta.

A memorial for Bert Schooley was given by Pearl Lee. Gifts were given to the oldest woman, Edith McMinn, and the oldest men, Dee McMinn and Albert Whiteman. Youngest girl attending was Shelia Whiteman and the youngest boy was Justin Whiteman. The one coming the farthest was Terry Rice. A reading was given by Edith McMinn.

Phil Whiteman was elected Chairman. Jean Yarbrough suggested the minutes be amended to read as follows: Clara Cline elected as secretary indefinitely. Memories were told by several. A number was given by Rev. and Cora Sanders How Great Thou Art accompanied by Mark Davis on the guitar.

The reunion will be held a week before Memorial Day next year. The building cleaned by the Rev. and Cora Sanders, and a Thanks so much was given for a very neat job.

Donna Wood sang My Coat of Many Colors with Mark Davis on his guitar. The meeting was closed with a prayer by Phil Whiteman.

Treasurer's Report:

Clara Cline, Secretary

Money on hand $12.43
Expenses $4.62
Collection $15.52
Balance $23.33

Attending: Mrs. Jean Parker, George and Linda Parker, Tricia, Camile and Charity Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood, Maneva Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parker, Mrs. Eva Warner, Mrs. Pearl Lee, of Winfield; D. J. and Edith McMinn, Mrs. Carol Smith, Mrs. Bernice Moss, Mrs. Laura Mae Wingert, Mrs. Mable McDannald all of Burden; Edgar and Elsie Whiteman, Haysville.

Phil and Viola Whiteman, Valley Center; Bob and Arlene Otto, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and Tina Marie, Peck; Terry (Whiteman) Rice, Norman, OK; and from Atlanta, Ray and Helen Willard, Bill and Clara Cline, Lloyd and Thelma Lanier, Orville and Alberta Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Whiteman, Justin and Sheila, Mr. and Mr. Don Davis, Mark, Shelly and Wesley, Albert Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiteman. Ralph and Cora, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yarbrough, Mrs. Beryl Schooley and Kay, Mrs. Georgia Smith, Donald Mitchell, Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Sanders. There were 2 Smiths, 11 Parkers, 8 Davis, 2 Lanier, 2 Haworth, 27 Whitemans, Moss, 6 Schooleys and 2 Yarbroughs attending.